Kei Sasuga’s “Domestic Girlfriend” manga series ended earlier this month while more people have just recently discovered its one-season anime adaptation. The conclusion of the manga has now sparked questions on the possibility of the show's renewal with “Domestic Girlfriend” season 2.
Does the end of the manga mean there’s no need for ‘Domestic Girlfriend’ season 2?
It has been more than a year since the first season premiered and ended, and updates about “Domestic Girlfriend” season 2 remain lacking. It is understandable if some fans have started hoping for the anime to be continued now that the manga is over since it is one good way of prolonging the run of the series.
However, it can be recalled that many fans believed the 12-episode debut of the anime was primarily released to further promote its manga counterpart. Following this line of reasoning, it could mean there is much less reason for Kodansha to pursue the anime’s renewal.
One of the comments that avid fans have about the first season was that its pacing could have been improved. Many felt that the anime skipped plenty of important chapters and the adaptation for TV was rushed. These factors only strengthen the belief that the series was only brought to the small screen to boost the manga’s sales. This also explains why most fans, especially those who have been following the series before the anime came, have not been very hopeful that “Domestic Girlfriend” season 2 is ever happening.
Kei Sasuga confirms there’s no plan for ‘Domestic Girlfriend’ season 2
Another solid proof that “Domestic Girlfriend” season 2 is less likely to happen comes from no less than Sasuga. Replying to a curious fan on Twitter just last April, the manga writer and illustrator confirmed that “there are no plans” for the renewal of the anime.
Fans might want to see ‘Domestic Girlfriend’ season 2 more now that the manga is over
On the other hand, there is also a good reason “Domestic Girlfriend” season 2 should happen. It is not a secret that the ending of the manga has been very controversial. The Twitter backlash even led to Sasuga limiting her use of the social media platform because of the harsh messages she started to receive when it became quite clear that Natsuo is ending up with Hina, and not Rui with whom he has a daughter with and was already supposed to marry.
Some fans might argue that “Domestic Girlfriend” season 2 could be their chance to get the ending they want. However, Sasuga previously insisted on standing by her choices with how she ended the love triangle tale. The “Domestic Girlfriend” volume 28 book will be released on Aug. 19.