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Pope Francis Warns AI and New Tech Must Serve Peace and the Common Good

Pope Francis warns against the misuse of AI technology and calls for international regulation to control its effects.

In his New Year's Day message, Pope Francis emphasized that new technologies should always be harnessed for "the pursuit of peace and the common good, in the service of the integral development of individuals and communities."

AI for Humanity's Good

In his annual World Day of Peace message, dedicated to the theme 'Artificial Intelligence and Peace,' the Pope called on world leaders to ensure that advancements in artificial intelligence only contribute to human fraternity and peace. The Vatican released the message ahead of the 57th World Day of Peace on January 1, as reported by Vatican News.

According to the Manila Standard, Pope Francis focused on the ethical dimension of these transformative technologies that impact various aspects of human life. He highlighted the dual nature of progress in science and technology, stating that it can lead to positive outcomes. Examples of these are enhancing human society and fostering communal freedom.

However, the Pope highlighted the risks associated with technological advances, particularly in the digital realm. He states that they "are placing in human hands a vast array of options, including some that may pose a risk to our survival and endanger our common home."

The message stressed that scientific research and technological innovation are not neutral, reflecting choices influenced by personal, social, and cultural values. The results of these endeavors carry an ethical dimension closely tied to the decisions made by those designing and directing them toward specific goals.

International Regulation on AI

According to Reuters, Pope Francis called on the global community to collaborate in developing a binding international treaty regulating the development and use of artificial intelligence in its diverse forms. He emphasized that while governments are responsible for AI regulations, international organizations can also play a crucial role in establishing multilateral agreements and coordinating their application and enforcement.

In conclusion, the Pope expressed his hope for the New Year, praying that the growing adoption of artificial intelligence would not exacerbate existing inequalities and injustices. Instead, AI should help end conflicts and alleviate various forms of suffering within human society.

Photo: Annett_Klingner/Pixabay

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