WASHINGTON, Aug. 2, 2016 --
What: Media Call on U.S. Postal Service Fiscal Year 2016 Third Quarter Results
Who: Postmaster General and CEO Megan J. Brennan
CFO and Executive Vice President Joseph Corbett
When: Tuesday, August 9, 2016
9:00 a.m. ET
Background Postmaster General & CEO Megan J. Brennan and Chief Financial Officer Joseph Corbett will host a media conference call to discuss the FY16 third quarter financial results in more detail. The call is open to the news media and all other interested parties.
How to Participate:
Important Notice: To ensure your computer is set up to join the event, click on the link: https://www.webex.com/ip/jointest/
US/Canada Attendee Dial In: 855-293-5496
Conference ID: 50364089
Attendee Direct URL: https://usps.webex.com/usps/onstage/g.php?MTID=e27d1d175d81115ce66c680f7346dd5e6
If you cannot join using the direct link above, please use the alternate logins below:
Alternate URL: https://usps.webex.co
Event Number: 994 695 231
The briefing will also be available on live audio webcast (listen only) at: http://about.usps.com/news/electronic-press-kits/cfo/welcome.htm.
The Postal Service receives no tax dollars for operating expenses and relies on the sale of postage, products and services to fund its operations.
Please Note: For broadcast quality video and audio, photo stills and other media resources, visit the USPS Newsroom. Reporters interested in speaking with regional Postal Service public relations professionals should visit this link.
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CONTACT: Darleen Reid 202.268.6419 dreid@usps.gov usps.com/news