Samsung Electronics Co. revealed it has teamed up with American fashion designer, Thom Browne to release a special edition of its Galaxy Z Fold5 and Galaxy Watch 6 smartwatches. The devices feature the fashion brand’s signature three-color stripe pattern.
The Korea Times reported that Samsung unveiled its new collaborative products on Thursday, Sept. 7. The South Korean electronics firm collaborated with Thom Browne to offer new limited-edition devices that are useful and fashionable.
Samsung’s Galaxy Z Fold5 and Galaxy Watch 6 are already on sale, but only a few could have them. The company is selling the products through an online raffle. It was mentioned that this is the fourth partnership between the two firms, and usually, they release the items in select regions, including South Korea.
With Thom Browne-inspired designs, the look of Samsung’s foldable phone and smartwatches were upgraded to a premium level. Moreover, the devices also feature the fashion brand’s user experience (UX) theme.
As per The Korea Economic Daily, Samsung Electronics will also host a giveaway event via its official website. This will take place on Sept. 12, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and will be open to customers who would like to buy the new items.
“Mobile technology is expected to provide more than just function – it’s an extension of our lifestyles,” Samsung Electronics executive vice president and head of marketing of mobile eXperience business, Stephanie Choi, said in a press release. “Our longstanding work with Thom Browne is rooted in a shared commitment to pairing iconic style with advanced innovation and this collection is no exception.”
Thom Browne also stated, “This continued collaboration with Samsung represents an evolution of what we’ve been creating together for years. Once again, we want to show that a perfect blend of top quality, innovative design, and a classic aesthetic can become a powerful form of self-expression.”
Photo by: Samsung Newsroom