“Heartland” Season 12 is extending the show’s record as the longest-running TV drama in Canada. The show has managed to capture the hearts of viewers as it masterfully breathes life into Lauren Brooke’s gripping book series.
The story follows the life of Amy (Amber Marshall) and Lou Fleming (Michelle Morgan) along with their grandfather Jack Bartlett (Shaun Johnston). “Heartland” Season 12 will continue where the previous installment left off as the family grapples with the struggle that come with owning and running a ranch, as well as adjusting to the life of having a baby around, TV Series Finale reported.
There isn’t much information about “Heartland” Season 12, whether about the show’s plotline or the release date. Last year, season 11 aired on Sept. 18. Longtime followers of the show have been expecting the upcoming installment to air around June and September, but no official announcement has been made so far by its mother network.
As for the story, little is known about it either. However, it’s safe to say that “Heartland” Season 12’s main theme will focus on continuing the family’s efforts in healing and rehoming horses. It will also likely explore and dive deeper into the individual lives of its characters, uncovering quirks and personalities that haven’t been emphasized in the past.
While the showrunners are keeping everything under wraps, the family-oriented drama’s Twitter page is filled with updates. So far, it seems that “Heartland” Season 12 hasn’t finished filming just yet.
In its post yesterday, the show’s Twitter handle posted that they’re filming six scenes, all of which are overseen by stunt coordinator Tom Erikson. The post didn’t elaborate on what action is going to take place in “Heartland” Season 12 but it’s likely going to involve riding horses. Its latest update announced that the recent shoot was a success and the crew is heading out for much-needed and well-deserved rest.