Associate Professor, Australian National University
I am Director of Research at the ANU's Australian National Centre for Public Awareness of Science (CPAS) where I explore the contribution of science communication research and practice to science, technology and innovation in the public good.
My work is grounded in social science research on intersections between science, innovation and democracy. These include questions about the role of evidence and science advice in public policy; the proper relationship between politics, ethics, experts and the public around science and technology issues; and future visions of responsible innovation.
I have pursued these questions through transdisciplinary collaborations on a wide range of grand challenges in the global North and South including: sustainable energy transitions; antimicrobial transitions; agricultural and biomedical innovation; and the environment/health interface.
I was recently Director of the “Making Science Public: Challenges and Opportunities” Research Programme funded by the UK's Leverhulme Trust and led by the University of Nottingham with partners in the Universities of Sheffield and Warwick.
The human right to science is 76 years old. It’s a reminder for us all to be more curious
Dec 10, 2024 05:01 am UTC| Life Health
Signed exactly 76 years ago today, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is the worlds most translated document. It is widely acknowledged as the foundation of international human rights work, not just in legal...
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