PhD Candidate, York St John University
I am a PhD student at York St John University, undertaking research concerning the health and quality of the UK's representative democracy. This incorporates a great deal of original analysis across various aspects of the UK's democratic landscape (e.g. the voting system; the media etc.), and involves both quantitative research and qualitative depth-interviews with voters to ascertain their perceptions.
My MA by Research thesis made an original contribution to the field by assessing volatility at UK General Elections, challenging mainstream assumptions which purport electoral change to be linear and gradual.
Previously, I have worked in the capacity of a Research Assistant and collected/collated popular vote results (%) for each party across every constituency (excl. constituencies in Northern Ireland) at General Elections between 2001 and 2019, to calculate the Effective Number of Parties at a constituency level. This project has yet to be published.
Tactical voting: why is it such a big part of British elections?
Jul 04, 2024 06:28 am UTC| Politics
Voters across the UK will cast their ballots on July 4 to decide who will form the next government. Under the UKs voting system, known as first past the post, voters choose one candidate standing in their constituency....
Jun 20, 2024 05:37 am UTC| Politics
With all polls pointing in the same direction, the 2024 election will deliver seismic change. It is being seen as a contest that will practically wipe out one party and deliver a large majority to another. But the reality...
Why Africa’s young scientists should help check the quality of climate change research