

Selma Kadic-Maglajlic

Selma Kadic-Maglajlic

Associate Professor of Marketing, Copenhagen Business School
Selma Kadić-Maglajlić holds a PhD in Marketing from the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Currently she is an Associate Professor of Marketing in the Department of Marketing at Copenhagen Business School. She is a marketing academic, with previous experience from the automotive, entertainment and media industries, and is passionate about helping organizations to optimize their sales and marketing strategic decisions using strong and rigorous analytics. She works with sales organizations to solve problems and optimize their sales activities based on the empirical findings. Selma's research has been published in various international journals. She is an accomplished TEDx speaker, educator and coach. Selma Kadic-Maglajlic is a member of the European Marketing Academy and the American Marketing Association.

Sales jobs make people neurotic, but employers can protect workers’ health – just look at the construction industry

Sep 25, 2024 12:37 pm UTC| Insights & Views Life Business

Neuroticism is one of the Big Five personality traits, characterised by a tendency to experience negative emotions like anxiety, fear, and frustration. Individuals with high levels of neuroticism are often more sensitive...



중국 부양책 주도 주식 랠리로 아시아·유럽 상승, 유가 하락

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미국-루마니아, 9억2000만달러 방위 대출 협정 체결 예정

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UBS, 중국 시장 어려움으로 지멘스 헬시니어스 전망 하향 조정

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미국 경제 성장·기업 이익 2023년 상향 조정

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목요일 (현지시간) 대부분의 아시아 증시가 중국의 부양책에 대한 지속적인 낙관론 속에 상승했다. 특히 기술주, 그 중에서도 반도체 기업들이 미국 기업 마이크론의 강력한 실적에 힘입어 랠리를 보였다. 미국 증시는...


필리핀, 순찰 중 자국 항공기 중국 해군 헬기에 추적당해

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Election Is Over? Donald Trump’s Lead Over Kamala Harris Widens to 10-Point Spread, J.L. Partners Election Model Suggests

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North Carolina Board of Elections Purges 747,000 Ineligible Voters from Rolls Over 20 Months

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Donald Trump Fury: Melania's Husband Calls for Nancy Pelosi to Be Prosecuted for Alleged Insider Trading

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Hawaiian Airlines Rolls Out Free Starlink Internet on Airbus A330 and A321neo Fleet

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T-Mobile CEO Predicts Starlink Cellular Beta Launch by Late 2024 or Early 2025

T-Mobile CEO Mike Sievert anticipates the Starlink Cellular beta, also known as Starlink Direct-to-Cell, could launch between late 2024 and early 2025. The initial beta will offer text services, with voice, data, and IoT...

SpaceX Recovers Super Heavy Booster, Prepares for Tower Catch in Upcoming Starship Flight 5

SpaceX has successfully recovered the Super Heavy booster from Starship Flight 4, marking the first retrieval of the rocket post-launch. The company is now preparing for Starship Flight 5, where it will attempt a milestone...

Turbo Cancer: Are COVID-19 Vaccines to Blame?

A wave of misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines has resurfaced, with several anti-vaccine activistsincluding some health professionalspushing the false claim that vaccines are linked to a rise in aggressive cancers,...


스마트폰 속 AI 확산, 일부 도구 허위 정보 악용 우려

인공지능(AI)은 이미 우리의 업무와 소통 방식을 변화시켰으며, 이제는 우리 주머니 속으로 들어오고 있다. 애플(Apple)은 2024년 9월 9일 아이폰 16을 출시했고, 구글(Google)은 8월 13일 픽셀 9을 공개했다. 두 기기는 AI가 소비자...

아이폰 16 리드 타임 감소 지속, 모건스탠리 분석 발표… 주가 하락세

인베스팅닷컴에 따르면 모건스탠리(Morgan Stanley)는 화요일 발표한 보고서에서 애플(NASDAQ) 아이폰 16의 리드 타임이 이전 모델보다 낮아지고 있다고 밝혔다. 수요일 (현지시간) 프리마켓 거래에서 애플 주가는 약 1%...

Cybertruck Touches Down in South Korea – Certification Sparks Global Tesla Buzz!

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Nvidia’s Top Partner Super Micro Faces DOJ Probe – Hindenburg’s Damning Report Ignites Chaos

Nvidias third-largest partner, Super Micro Computer, is now under investigation by the Department of Justice after Hindenburg Research leveled serious fraud allegations, claiming improper revenue practices and sales...
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