In the recent GDC event by Epic Games, GearBox made a surprise appearance. Randy Pitchford, the head of GearBox came up to the stage and showcased the capabilities of the Unreal engine while also giving fans a few details on what they can expect with Borderlands 3. The clips were nothing more than a few landmarks or character effects, but it was enough to whet the appetites of gamers.
Based on the images and clips, it would seem that GearBox is maintaining the distinctive heavy outline and cell-shaded style of the Borderlands series. During his presentation, Pitchford took the audience through the process of creating some of these effects on landmarks, signs, and others, Polygon reports.
One of the biggest takeaways from the presentation is the sheer flexibility of the Unreal engine, especially when used to mess around with assets from the game. Then again, the GearBox boss was careful not to make promises on whether or not what he showed during the event would actually show up in the final cut. Heck, he didn’t even specifically say that the game assets were for Borderlands 3.
The next numbered installment in the popular FPS franchise was already confirmed last year when Pitchford went to PAX East. It’s also confirmed that Scott Kester would be the game’s art director and that Mikey Neumann would be doing the writing. As for what the developers are doing with the sequel, Pitchford explained that they wanted to go for a more evolved look, GameSpot reports.
"We want to evolve this look for the future, to make it more natural and basically next-gen," he told the audience during GDC.
In any event, at least fans can look forward to the release of the third installment of the franchise, where they will likely take control of ruthless madmen and shoot insane mutants. As for whether or not Pandora is still the setting is still unclear.