The invasion of Ukraine continues but has so far been met with fierce resistance from Ukrainians. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy called for Russia to stop the bombing for talks for a ceasefire to continue following the first round of discussions.
Zelenskyy said Tuesday that Russia must stop bombing Ukrainian cities before the discussions of a ceasefire continue. This followed the first round of talks that only showed little progress.
“It’s necessary to at least stop bombing people, just stop the bombing and then sit down at the negotiating table,” the Ukrainian leader told Reuters and CNN.
In an interview at a heavily guarded compound, Zelenskyy also called on NATO countries to impose a no-fly zone to deter the Russian air force, citing that it would be a preventative measure and not meant to drag the alliance into a military conflict with Russia as well.
“This is not about dragging NATO countries into war. The truth is everyone has long since been dragged into war and definitely not by Ukraine, but by Russia – a large-scale war is going on,” said Zelenskyy.
Zelenskyy, who has refused offers to leave Ukraine as Russian forces attempted to further invade Kyiv, said that Ukraine will demand legally binding guarantees on NATO should the alliance ultimately shut down Ukraine’s aspiration to become a member. During Zelenskyy’s response, the news of a Russian missile hitting a TV tower near a Holocaust memorial site in Kyiv broke. The incident killed at least five people.
Ukraine has since received shipments of weapons from NATO member countries to be able to stop a full-scale invasion by Russia. Many countries, especially from the West, have begun to impose sanctions on Russia, especially targeting its oligarchs and their family members.
The West has made a coordinated effort in seizing the assets of Russian oligarchs. US Deputy National Security Adviser Daleep Singh told CNN’s “OutFront” that Germany’s seizure of a superyacht belonging to a Russian oligarch is just the beginning of the efforts.
Singh explained that DOJ Attorney General Merrick Garland set up the agency’s task force, the project called “Klepto-Capture.” The task force will seek to track down and seize all physical assets, including luxury cars and apartments.