PhD Candidate - Cognitive Psychology, University of Liverpool
My main research interest is the cognitive correlates of expert performance in domains such as board games, music, computer programming, and sports. Also, my research focuses on the presumed benefits of cognitive training.
Apr 08, 2024 06:12 am UTC| Insights & Views Health
Cognitive decline and dementia already affect more than 55 million people worldwide. This number is projected to skyrocket over the next few decades as the global population ages. There are certain risk factors of...
Are rich people more intelligent? Here's what the science says
Jun 03, 2023 03:27 am UTC| Entertainment
From White Lotus to Succession, theres high demand for television dramas about the super rich. The characters on these shows are typically portrayed as entitled, hollow and sad. But they arent necessarily depicted as...
Education might not save you from cognitive decline – new study
Mar 28, 2023 14:28 pm UTC| Health
Take a look at any list of risk factors for cognitive decline and youre bound to find education among them. The received wisdom is that the more years you spend in education, the lower your risk of cognitive decline in old...
No proof music lessons make children any smarter
Jan 10, 2017 14:42 pm UTC| Life
Music is one of the most beautiful and powerful creations of humankind, and its powers are well known making us happy and sad or relaxed and excited. And more generally, music can induce powerful feelings as Bono the...
Leonardo da Vinci’s incredible studies of human anatomy still don’t get the recognition they deserve
South African telescope discovers a giant galaxy that’s 32 times bigger than Earth’s