Researcher in Ecological Economics, Lund University
Timothée Parrique is an economist, originally from Versailles, France. He is currently a researcher at the School of Economics and Management of Lund University (Sweden).
He holds a PhD in economics from the Centre d’Études et de Recherches sur le Développement (University of Clermont Auvergne, France) and the Stockholm Resilience Centre (Stockholm University, Sweden). Titled “The political economy of degrowth” (2019), his dissertation explores the economic implications of degrowth.
Tim is the author of Ralentir ou périr. L’économie de la décroissance (September 2022, Seuil), a wide-audience book adaptation of his PhD dissertation.
Tim frequently writes about green growth and decoupling; he is the lead author of “Decoupling debunked – Evidence and arguments against green growth” (2019), a report published by the European Environmental Bureau (EEB).
He blogs at and posts at @timparrique (Twitter), timotheeparrique (Insta), and @timparrique (Mastodon).
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