Senior Research Fellow, The University of Queensland
Dr Brendan Walker-Munro is a Senior Research Fellow with the University of Queensland's Law and the Future of War research group. Brendan's research focus is examining the frameworks for establishing civil and criminal liability for the use of autonomous weapon systems, both in Australia and internationally.
Brendan has completed a number of appointments in investigation and law enforcement roles across diverse government agencies over ten years, including the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency, Fair Work Building & Construction, the NSW and Queensland Offices of Liquor and Gaming, and the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission. Prior to joining the University of Queensland, Brendan worked with the Australian Taxation Office to develop lawful uses of data and analytics for investigative and compliance programs. Brendan is admitted to practise law in the Supreme Court of Queensland and also holds an appointment as a Member to both the Queensland Councillor Conduct Tribunal and the Disciplinary Panel of CPA Australia.
Brendan has been awarded a Bachelor of Biomedical Science and Molecular Biology from Murdoch University, a Bachelor of Neuroscience (Honours) from the University of Western Australia, a Juris Doctor with Distinction from the University of Southern Queensland and a PhD from Swinburne University.
A student’s visa has been cancelled for links to ‘weapons of mass destruction’
May 15, 2024 07:24 am UTC| Insights & Views Life
Over the weekend, Queensland University of Technology PhD student Xiaolong Zhu became national news and not for a good reason. Zhu is a Chinese citizen, and his visa to study in Australia has been denied on the grounds of...
What do TikTok, Bunnings, eBay and Netflix have in common? They’re all hyper-collectors
Jul 23, 2022 16:25 pm UTC| Technology
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Leonardo da Vinci’s incredible studies of human anatomy still don’t get the recognition they deserve