Dinesh Sharma is an author, consultant, and social scientist with a doctorate in psychology and human development from Harvard University. He is an Associate Research Professor at the Institute of Global Cultural Studies, SUNY Binghamton, where he teaches in Harpur College, Psychology and the Department of Human Development. His current teaching work is focused on Human Rights, Globalization, Leadership and the United Nations.
Sharma also teaches about global leadership and the UN at Fordham University at Lincoln Center.
He is the author of "Barack Obama in Hawaii and Indonesia: The Making of a Global President"and "The Global Obama: Crossroads of Leadership in the 21st Century." He is currently editing a book on Hillary Clinton’s global image, "The Global Hillary: Women's Political Development in Cultural Contexts," due out in June 2016.
Dreams from their mothers: Hillary and Obama bending history again
Jul 26, 2016 05:30 am UTC| Insights & Views Politics
Hillary Clinton, the first woman presidential nominee of any major party, has a lifetime of experience in fighting for the rights of children and families. She draws on the inspiration from her mothers Dickensian...
How Hillary Clinton's 'smart power' feminism informs her foreign policy
Jun 09, 2016 09:14 am UTC| Insights & Views Politics
Dinesh Sharma, Associate Research Professor, Binghamton University, State University of New York Both conservatives and progressives have argued Hillary Rodham Clinton is more hawkish than President Obama. Robert...
America’s ‘exceptional’ lack of a female President in global perspective
May 12, 2016 02:41 am UTC| Insights & Views Politics
Most Americans believe in the exceptionalism of our nation. However, when it comes to electing a female president, the U.S. is not exceptional. Rather it is an exception to the rule. The U.S. ranks 97th in global...
Leonardo da Vinci’s incredible studies of human anatomy still don’t get the recognition they deserve
South African telescope discovers a giant galaxy that’s 32 times bigger than Earth’s