Dr Dionysios Demetis is a Lecturer in Management Systems at the Hull University Business School. He holds a PhD on Anti-Money Laundering and Information Systems from the London School of Economics and Political Science, where he taught classes on Information Systems Management, IS Security and Research Methods. While at the LSE, he contributed widely to a number of research deliverables for the European Union, but most importantly to the domain of Anti-Money Laundering for the Spotlight EU project, as well as the GATE EU Project targeting Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing. His research on the Risk-Based Approach to Anti-Money Laundering and the 3rd EU Directive has been featured in the IMOLIN select bibliography of the United Nations while his research on ‘Data Growth and the Consequences to Anti-Money Laundering’ has won the Emerald Highly Commended Award from the Journal of Money Laundering Control. For his teaching at the London School of Economics, he was awarded the departmental Teaching Assistant award for Outstanding Contribution based on peer review and student feedback from the Information Systems Department in 2006. During his PhD, he secured three consecutive research scholarships from the LSE.
His book on AML entitled ‘Technology and Anti-Money Laundering’ and published by Edward Elgar is the first book to provide a coherent theoretical structure for Anti-Money Laundering research and practice, based on Systems Theory, and the first book to provide an Information Systems perspective on Anti-Money Laundering. With LSE Professor Ian Angell, he co-authored another book that applies second-order cybernetics to uncover deep-seated epistemological paradoxes in science. The book is entitled ‘Science’s First Mistake’, and it is published worldwide by Bloomsbury.
Dr Demetis has a background in Physics from the University of Crete, as well as an MSc from the London School of Economics on the Analysis, Design and Management of Information Systems. Prior to this academic post he was an Adjunct Professor for the California based Thomas Jefferson School of Law (TJSL), where he lectured on the International Compliance and Anti-Money Laundering courses for the university’s online program for about three years. He has also been lecturing for TJSL on Qualitative Research Methodology for both MSc-level and PhD-level students, while advising a number of students in their research. He has given a large number of talks in conferences, and is a regular speaker at Cambridge University at the Annual Economic Crime Symposium.
Politicians should not be able to sidestep money-laundering scrutiny
May 06, 2016 16:45 pm UTC| Insights & Views Politics
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