Joseph’s research principally involves analysing regulatory challenges and issues posed by new and emerging communication technologies for traditional approaches to governance. Some of the areas examined include issues such as surveillance, identity theft, child online safety, peer-to-peer file sharing controversies, online dispute resolution and managing personal and corporate identities.Joseph is now exploring the legal, ethical, social and technological challenges posed by autonomous systems and robotics as they relate to aging, healthcare and warfare.
Google car crash: who's to blame when a driverless car has an accident?
Mar 03, 2016 13:58 pm UTC| Technology Law
Luckily no one was injured when one of Googles self-driving cars recently crashed itself into a bus as it pulled out at a junction. The car was only travelling at 2mph, after all. The company has admitted it bore some...
Leonardo da Vinci’s incredible studies of human anatomy still don’t get the recognition they deserve
South African telescope discovers a giant galaxy that’s 32 times bigger than Earth’s