Postdoctoral Scholar in Physics, University of California, Merced
I do research in the fields of both astroparticle physics and cosmology, and I specifically focus on developing statistical tools to test LambdaCDM, a theory known as the standard model of cosmology. As a cosmologist, I use observations of astrophysical systems, like galaxies, to test our understanding of the fundamental laws of physics. As an astroparticle physicist, I work to identify the particle nature of dark matter and how it might interact with the standard model of particle physics. I’ve worked on developing tests of dark matter, dark energy, inflation, and modified gravity.
I am am a postdoctoral researcher at the University of California, Merced working with Anna Nierenberg. I also have an associate member status at the Center for the Gravitational-Wave Universe. I was a postdoctoral researcher studying cosmology at the Korea Astronomy Space Science Institute with Arman Shafieloo. Previously, I earned my PhD at UC Irvine working with Kevork Abazajian and also collaborating with Manoj Kaplinghat.
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