The series created by Kugane Murayama, originally in light novel form, became one of the most popular dark fantasy and isekai anime shows with an international following. However, its fans are now stuck waiting for the release of “Overlord” season 4. So when a report emerged claiming that someone from the production confirmed the anime’s return, fans were unsurprisingly excited.
However, doubts were immediately cast on the said report. Some fans immediately posted their updates to clarify how the report that “Overlord” season 4 was confirmed started and if it was accurate.
‘Overlord' season 4 renewed or canceled: Is there any official update?
Murayama and the series illustrator so-bin along with anime writer Yukie Sugawara attended the “Overlord” panel at the AnimagiC convention in Mannheim, Germany last August. It was not surprising that the trio was asked about the state of “Overlord” season 4. Following the discussion, KSM Anime’s official Twitter page reported that the producers have confirmed season 4 is underway.
The social media post was immediately reported by various news outlets. But some fans were cautious about believing it because the official “Overlord” Twitter page was bizarrely quiet. A few days later, some fans who attended the convention made various posts online to clarify what went down and what was said about “Overlord” season 4.
It was true that the trio was asked about “Overlord” season 4 during the panel, but their actual response was reportedly different from what was posted on KSM Anime’s social media page. A fan wrote on a Fandom discussion that Sugawara only mentioned that a fourth season is “extremely likely,” but it was not an official announcement.
‘Overlord' season 4 release date: When to expect the anime’s return?
Given that not even an announcement was made, it would be impractical to estimate the release date of “Overlord” season 4. Fans may also recall that its first three seasons did not have a consistent release date window, too.
On the other hand, not all hope is lost. There is a clear demand for “Overlord” season 4 to hit the small screen. Additionally, there are still several more light novel materials yet to be adapted to the anime series. This means there is a good chance for the anime to be renewed for another season.