Dosen Paramadina Graduate School of Communication , Paramadina University
Ika Karlina Idris, Ph.D adalah dosen Paramadina Graduate School of Communication, Universitas Paramadina, Jakarta. Gelar doktornya didapatkan dari School of Media Arts and Studies, Ohio University (2015-2018). Ika adalah penerima beasiswa DIKTI-Fulbright yang selama studinya juga aktif sebagai peneliti di Social Media Research Team/SMARTLab Ohio University, dan dua kali mendapatkan Summer Research Excellence Award (2017 dan 2018) dari SMARTLab. Di masa senggangnya, dia juga aktif menulis kolom opini di media massa di Indonesia. Fokus risetnya adalah seputar komunikasi publik pemerintah, media sosial untuk kehumasan, evaluasi program kehumasan, keterbukaan informasi publik, dan dampak internet terhadap masyarakat. Sebelum studi, Ika aktif di Paramadina Public Policy Institute (PPPI) khususnya dalam program pemberdayaan humas pemerintah terkait penerapan UU Keterbukaan Informasi Publik. Ika dapat dikontak di:
Indonesia's ‘Super Apps’: will they be another waste of state budget?
Aug 21, 2022 17:16 pm UTC| Insights & Views Economy
The Indonesias Ministry of Communication and Informations (Kominfo) plan to merge around 24,000 government apps into just eight apps, which they call Super Apps, is worth closer scrutiny. As of today, the government has...
The internet shutdown in Papua threatens Indonesia's democracy and its people's right to free speech
Aug 26, 2019 04:26 am UTC| Insights & Views Politics
The Indonesian government has blocked internet access as they deployed security forces to its easternmost provinces following days of violent protests there. Papuans took to the streets following arrests and racist...
Leonardo da Vinci’s incredible studies of human anatomy still don’t get the recognition they deserve