

Constance McDermott

Senior Fellow in Forest Governance and Leader of Ecosystems Governance Group, University of Oxford
Constance McDermott chairs the ECI's Ecosystems Governance Group (formerly the Forest Governance Group).

Her research, described in detail on the Ecosystem Governance pages, addresses the linkages among diverse local, regional and global priorities for sustainable forest management. It examines both "new" and "old" institutions of forest governance, from market-based initiatives such as forest and carbon certification to sovereign state-based and traditional community-based approaches, to better understand how dynamics of trust and power shape environmental and social policies and facilitate or inhibit desired outcomes. Her methods range from locally focused case studies to large-scale comparative research examining cross-institutional and cross-boundary interactions.

McDermott's work at ECI and the Oxford Centre for Tropical Forests includes an emphasis on the integration of forest governance into the global climate regime. Recent research directions include the examination of Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD) initiatives, and the role of both pre-existing and new forest institutions for addressing REDD-related environmental and social mandates.

Before beginning at Oxford in April 2009, McDermott worked for five years at the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies where she served as Associate Research Scientist and Program Director of the Program on Forest Policy and Governance. She has conducted research and applied work in multi-stakeholder processes, forest and green building certification, intergovernmental forest-related governance, and international development in North and Central America, South Asia, and globally.

Research Interests
Within the theme of comparative governmental and inter-governmental policy, McDermott addresses the effects of market globalization on domestic forest policy, and the conflicts and synergies between trade and conservation oriented objectives within inter-governmental processes. For example, McDermott is lead author of the book, Global Environmental Forest Policy, together with co-authors Professors Benjamin Cashore (Yale University) and Peter Kanowski (Australian National University). The book compares environmental forest policies in twenty countries worldwide, and serves as a launching point for research on the role of government regulation in addressing REDD-related climate objectives.

McDermott's work on trade-based initiatives includes the study of the impacts of wood products trade with the US and China on forests of the Amazon, Borneo, Chile, Congo, Mekong, and Russian Far East. Outputs from this work include a framework for establishing a "results-based" approach to prioritize the engagement of producers and traders in wood product sourcing initiatives.

The certification of forests and forest products, and related initiatives (for example, green building, forest carbon certification) are another focal point as new forms of non-state governance designed to balance stakeholder interests both "vertically" (i.e. from the local to global level) and "horizontally" (i.e. across diverse interest groups). McDermott's research in this area includes the study of trust and distrust among stakeholders in shaping certification standards and uptake. Outputs include the development of policy tools for evaluating the use of certified wood in green building.



Constantin Colonescu

Associate Professor of Economics, MacEwan University
Teaching experience: European Economic Integration • Macroeconomics • Microeconomics • Development Economics • International Trade • Game Theory • Industrial Organization • Supervising Student Research Projects • Mathematical Economics • Econometrics
Research interests: Income inequality, Compounded markups in complex markets, public attitudes toward political ans social issues, Economic integration.
Recent publications:
Colonescu, C. (2018). Using R for Principles of Econometrics. Second Edition. Creative Space.
Colonescu, C. (2022). Using Python for Principles of Econometrics. Kindle Direct Publishing.
Colonescu, Constantin. (2022) Measures of Populism in the CHES 2017 Dataset. Athens Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 9, Issue 2, 177-196. DOI: 10.30958/ajss.9-2-5
Colonescu, C. (2021). Price Markups and Upstreamness in World Input-Output Data. Economics and Business 9, 71–85. Acta Universitatis Sapientiae. 04.pdf
Colonescu, Constantin (2021) Compounded Markups in Complex Market Structures. Athens Journal of Business and Economics Vol 8, pp. 1-14.



Constanza Toro Valdivieso

Postdoctoral Researcher in Molecular Biology, University of Cambridge
Constanza's first degree is in veterinary medicine, but after a few years of small animal clinical experience, she decided to transition into academia. Now, she is a scientist interested in combining molecular biology and bioinformatics with studying wild populations from non-invasive samples.

She recently completed her PhD at the University of Cambridge. Her research focused on exploiting a range of molecular techniques to develop a non-invasive method to study a poorly-studied endemic pinniped. More specifically, she used faecal samples to look at heavy metal exposure, host genetics and the faecal microbiome of the Juan Fernández fur seal, a poorly studied endemic pinniped from the Juan Fernández archipelago.

She closely collaborates with Fundación Endémica, a local NGO that works to promote scientific development and ensure scientific discovery becomes available to the community of the Juan Fernández archipelago.



Cooper Malanoski

PhD Candidate in Geology, University of Oxford
Cooper Malanoski is a Ph.D. candidate at Oxford University studying the impact of climate on extinction and paleobiogeographic patterns.



Corey Angst

Professor of IT, Analytics, and Operations, University of Notre Dame
Corey Angst conducts research on the transformational effect of IT, societal impacts of technology usage, and how (or if) IT creates value. Much of his existing work is set in the U.S. healthcare context, where he has investigated the diffusion and use of disruptive healthcare innovations and the relationship to patient satisfaction, privacy and security of medical information, financial performance of hospitals, and quality of care. His recent work is examining ethical questions related to the informed consent process used in the healthcare industry. He is also interested in ethical questions associated with the design, deployment, use and societal impacts of artificial intelligence.



Corinna Jenkins Tucker

Corinna Jenkins Tucker, Ph.D., C.F.L.E., is the Senior Project Director of the Sibling Aggression and Abuse Research and Advocacy Initiative (SAARA) at the Crimes Against Children Research Center and Professor Emerita, Human Development and Family Studies Department at the University of New Hampshire. Her primary research interests include sibling relationships, parenting, and mental health. She has a particular interest in sibling aggression and abuse experiences across the lifespan.



Corinne Sandwith

Professor of Literature, University of Pretoria
I am Professor in the Department of English at the University of Pretoria in South Africa. I am the author of World of Letters: Reading Communities and Cultural Debates in Early Apartheid South Africa (2014) and co-editor with Rebecca Fasselt of The Short story in South Africa: Contemporary Trends and Perspectives (2022). I have published widely in the fields of African print cultures, book history and South African intellectual history.



Cornel de Ronde

Principal Scientist, GNS Science



Cornelia Koch

Senior Lecturer in Law, University of Adelaide
After completing a German undergraduate law degree at the University of Würzburg and a period in private legal practice, Cornelia Koch pursued postgraduate studies at the University of Queensland where she obtained a Master of Comparative Law and a Juris Doctor degree. She joined the Adelaide Law School at the University of Adelaide as an academic in 2002. Her research has been published in Europe, the USA and Australia. Cornelia is admitted to legal practice in Queenland and the ACT, but does not hold current practicing certificates.



Cornell William Brooks

Professor of the Practice of Public Leadership and Social Justice, Harvard Kennedy School
Cornell William Brooks is Hauser Professor of the Practice of Nonprofit Organizations and Professor of the Practice of Public Leadership and Social Justice at the Harvard Kennedy School. He is also Director of The William Monroe Trotter Collaborative for Social Justice at the School’s Center for Public Leadership, and Visiting Professor of the Practice of Prophetic Religion and Public Leadership at Harvard Divinity School. He is the former president and CEO of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), a civil rights attorney, and an ordained minister.

Professor Brooks is the recipient of the Harvard Kennedy School Innovations in Teaching Award. Through the Trotter Collaborative, his social justice advocacy clinical class has enabled students to do pioneering policy work with mayors across the U.S. and abroad; nonprofits from the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law to Black Voters Matter; as well as organizations from the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism to the National Council of Churches.

Prior to coming to HKS, Professor Brooks was the visiting professor of social ethics, law, and justice movements at Boston University’s School of Law and School of Theology. He was a visiting fellow and director of the Campaign and Advocacy Program at the Kennedy School’s Institute of Politics in 2017. Professor Brooks served as the 18th president of the NAACP from 2014 to 2017. Under his leadership, the NAACP secured 12 significant legal victories, including laying the groundwork for the first statewide legal challenge to prison-based gerrymandering. He also reinvigorated the activist social justice heritage of the NAACP, dramatically increasing membership, particularly online and among millennials. Among the many demonstrations from Ferguson to Flint during his tenure, he conceived and led “America’s Journey for Justice” march from Selma, Alabama to Washington, D.C., over 40 days and 1000 miles.

Prior to leading the NAACP, Professor Brooks was president and CEO of the New Jersey Institute for Social Justice, where he led the passage of pioneering criminal justice reform and housing legislation, six bills in less than five years. He also served as senior counsel and acting director of the Office of Communications Business Opportunities at the Federal Communications Commission, executive director of the Fair Housing Council of Greater Washington, and a trial attorney at both the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law and the U.S. Department of Justice. As a DOJ trial attorney, he secured a record-setting settlement for housing discrimination victims and filed the first government case alleging housing discrimination against a nursing home. Professor Brooks served as judicial clerk for the Chief Judge Sam J. Ervin, III, on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit.

Professor Brooks holds a J.D. from Yale Law School, where he was a senior editor of the Yale Law Journal and member of the Yale Law and Policy Review, and a Master of Divinity from Boston University’s School of Theology, where he was a Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholar. Professor Brooks has a B.A. from Jackson State University. He is the recipient of several honorary doctorates including: Boston University, Drexel University, Saint Peter’s University and Payne Theological Seminary as well as the highest alumni awards from Boston University and Boston University School of Theology. Professor Brooks is a fourth-generation ordained minister in the African Methodist Episcopal Church.



Corwin Sullivan

Associate professor, Vertebrate Palaeontology, University of Alberta
Corwin Sullivan is the Philip J. Currie Professor of Vertebrate Palaeontology at the University of Alberta, and a curator of the Philip J. Currie Dinosaur Museum. He has a keen interest in exploring patterns of structural and functional change on the evolutionary line to birds, and investigating the Cretaceous vertebrate fauna of northern Alberta.



Cosmo Howard

Associate Professor School of Government and International Relations, Griffith University



Costas Milas

Professor of Finance, University of Liverpool

Prof Costas Milas is an expert on Monetary Policy issues (such as interest rate setting behaviour) related to the UK, US and Eurozone economies, respectively. He is also an expert on debt policies pursued by the Eurozone peripheral economies (Greece, Italy, Ireland, Spain and Portugal).

He holds an MSc (Economics and Finance) and a PhD (Economics) degree from Warwick University. He also holds a BSc (Statistics) from the Athens University of Economics and Business. Before joining Liverpool in 2011, he worked for the Universities of Warwick, Sheffield, Brunel, City and Keele.



Courtney Lindsay

Senior Research Officer, Global Risks and Resilience, ODI
Courtney Lindsay is a researcher whose interests lie broadly in the political economy of development in Small Island Developing States (SIDS). His research interests include trade and industrial policy in SIDS; micro-, small- and medium-enterprise development and private sector competitiveness; small states' strategies for norm entrepreneurship and norm advocacy; and resilience, sustainability and climate change adaptation in SIDS.

Prior to joining ODI, Courtney spent almost 10 years working as a researcher and project manager, designing, executing, and managing private sector development projects across the English-speaking Caribbean.

Courtney holds a PhD from the University of the West Indies, St Augustine campus. His dissertation focused on small states and policy space in global trade politics, where he examined how small, upper-middle to high-income developing countries respond to policy space constraints at the World Trade Organisation.



Courtney Ryder

Dr Courtney Ryder is an ECR injury epidemiologist, Aboriginal academic and Discipline Lead for Injury Studies in the College of Medicine and Public Health at Flinders University. Her research is leading new ways of working with Indigenous Data through knowledge interface methodology and Indigenous Data sovereignty to change the deficit discourse surrounding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health statistics, particularly in injury.

Ryder has made a substantial contribution to scholarship through building high-impact cross-disciplinary education teams as a previous Teaching Program Director (TPD) of Public Health at Flinders University. Ryder was also involved in establishing a Community of Practice in Indigenous Knowledge which supports staff across the University. With over a decade’s experience in higher education, Ryder is viewed as a leader transforming student learning in Cultural Safety and Aboriginal health. Work which has been recognised nationally and internationally, through keynote addresses, congress papers, good practice case studies, teaching innovation and scholarship awards and a Churchill Fellowship.

Outside of teaching and research, Ryder sits on a range of committees:
South Australian Public Health Council
Indigenous Engineering Group Executive (Engineers Australia)
Human Genetics Society of Australasia (HGSA) Indigenous Genomics Steering Committee

Ryder is an advisory group member for Sex and Gender Policies in Medical Research, Nasal Oxygen Therapy After Cardiac Surgery, and Safer Pathway Project. She is a Research Fellow with The George Institute for Global Health, and Senior Lecturer at the School of Population Health UNSW.



Courtney C Walton

Academic Fellow & Psychologist, Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences, The University of Melbourne
Dr Courtney Walton is a Registered Psychologist and researcher at the University of Melbourne, with expertise in mental health, particularly as applied to sport, exercise, and performance contexts. To date, Courtney has published over 70 peer reviewed scientific articles and book chapters.



Craig Billingham

Lecturer, Creative Writing, UNSW Sydney
I am a Lecturer in Creative Writing at UNSW. I have published two collections of poems (Storytelling, 2007; Public Transport, 2017) as well as many short stories, essays, and reviews in Australian journals and anthologies. My research interests range across contemporary Australian literature and creative writing pedagogy.



Craig Copeland

Adjunct Senior Lecturer, University of Newcastle
Craig has been leading the protection and restoration of fish habitat throughout Australia for over 35 years. He has led ground-breaking work in restoration activities in fish passage, seagrass, shellfish and wetlands as well as river resnagging and acid sulphate soil management. Craig is the Founder and CEO of OzFish Unlimited and responsible for the advancement of recreational fishers undertaking river health projects around Australia.



Craig Elliffe

Craig Elliffe

Professor of Law, University of Auckland
Craig is a professor specialising in taxation in the Law Faculty. Craig was appointed to a chair in 2008 after 14 years as a tax partner at KPMG and 9 years as a tax partner at Chapman Tripp. Craig’s research areas are in the field of international tax, corporate tax and tax avoidance.

He is the author of International and Cross-Border Taxation in New Zealand (Thomson Reuters and now in its second edition), which was awarded the JF Northey best law book award in 2015, and Dividend Imputation: Practice and Procedure (Lexis) and has written numerous articles and other materials on tax. He is the Director of the MTaxS programme (the leading postgraduate tax course in New Zealand).

He was a member of the Government's Tax Working Group (TWG) in 2018/19.



Craig Froome

Craig has extensive consulting experience and has undertaken a number of projects looking at renewable energy scenarios, including the preparation of a discussion papers for both government and industry. Most recently, he co-authored The University of Queensland’s latest major energy research paper on Delivering a Competitive Australian Power System.

A member of the University’s Renewable Energy Technical Advisory Committee, he was instrumental in having the 1.22 MW Solar Photovoltaic Array at the St Lucia campus deployed.

Craig is also a member of the School of Economics, Energy Economics and Management Group (EEMG), which focusses on making key solar technologies more affordable.

In conjunction with this group, he worked on the I-Grid Research Cluster with the CSIRO Distributed Energy Flagship to model and quantify the benefits of distributed energy systems while taking into account the costs of deploying and integrating them into the Australian electricity system.



Craig Greenham

Associate professor, Department of Kinesiology, University of Windsor
Dr. Greenham is an award-winning, funded researcher whose focus is largely on North American professional sports – particularly baseball, hockey and Canadian football. His analysis utilizes historical methods and includes aspects of media, political ideology and league/club operations. Dr. Greenham’s objective is not to litigate the past but to explore issues and nuances that provide contextual perspective to current events. Researching history allows narratives to be formed and reformed, bolstered and challenged. In the lecture hall, Dr. Greenham relies on storytelling. Students are encouraged to be active listeners and participants in the discussions to maximize their understanding and retention. Dr. Greenham is accepting graduate students, particularly (but not solely) those interested in the thesis pathway that have a sociocultural/historical emphasis.



Craig Longman

Craig D. Longman is a Deputy Director and a Senior Researcher with Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning (Research Unit) at the University of Technology, Sydney. He is also a practicing Solicitor.

Admitted to the NSW Supreme Court in 2007, Mr Longman has worked extensively in Criminal and Civil Litigation, including in high-profile Human Rights matters such as the defence of Palm Island man Lex Wotton to charges arising from the events on Palm Island in 2004.

Joining Jumbunna in October 2010, his research and advocacy focuses upon the experience of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals in their interactions with the Australian legal system, particularly in the area of Criminal and Coronial Law. He has continued to assist community members in relation to coronial matters, and has prepared and presented on reform in relation to numerous areas of law reform, including Bail, Sentencing, Policing, Legal Aid funding and Native Title.

Recently appointed to the NSW Law Society Indigenous Issues Committee, he also holds directorships with not-for-profit Indigenous advocacy organisations.



Craig Merrett

Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Clarkson University
Dr. Craig Merrett is the Principal Investigator for the Aero-Servo-Thermo-Visco-Elasticity Laboratory (ASTVEL) which leverages analytical and experimental techniques to explore the impact of time dependent materials on aerospace applications.

Dr. Merrett has a diverse research portfolio within the field of aero-servo-viscoelasticity that includes research on aircraft instability, flight data recorders, optimization, fracture of composites, and vehicle tracking. The core of the research portfolio is the effects of a viscoelastic material on structural dynamics, in particular the critical time necessary for an instability to occur. Dr. Merrett’s current research program investigates polymer composite materials and metals exposed to elevated temperatures that appear in aerospace and nuclear engineering applications. Dr. Merrett also conducts research in unsteady aerodynamics for subsonic and supersonic panel flutter, and for off-shore wind farm wakes.



Craig Oneill

Director of the Macquarie Planetary Research Centre/Associate Professor in Geodynamics, Macquarie University

A/Prof. Craig O'Neill is the Director of the Macquarie Planetary Research Centre, and an Associate Professor in geodynamics and planetary science in the Department of Earth and Planetary Science/ARC CCFS CoE at Macquarie University.



Craig Russell

Lecturer, Aston University
n 2010 I completed my degree in Human Biology at the University of Huddersfield and began my PhD at Aston focusing on medicines research. Here, formulation of oral liquid antihypertensives formed the initial stages of my project; here an understanding of drug action on a molecular level in a physiological setting was essential. In vitro and In vivo characterisation of developed formulations utilising cell and rodent based models paved the way for subsequent genomic investigations into intestinal transporter expression profiling using microarray technology and bioinformatics. Following my PhD I worked as a postdoctoral research fellow at Aston on a project focused on in vitro assessment of taste and was carried out in collaboration with market leading pharmaceutical companies AstraZeneca, GSK, Pfizer and Bristol Myers Squib as well as UCL. During this time I also elevated my teaching profile and arrived at Aston University as a Lecturer in Pharmacy in 2015. Since my lectureship appointment I have been heavily involved with teaching on the MPharm degree programme and I am pursuing my own line of research in formulation design and development. I have recently been awarded funding internally for a PhD studentship investigating the application of 3D printing technology in tablet production which commenced in January 2018. More recent research tracks have seen innovation in the application of nanoparticle formulations to better target administration in hospital settings.



Craig Sheridan

Chair professor, University of the Witwatersrand
I am a professor in the School of Geography, Archaeology and Environmental Studies at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. I am the director of the Centre in Water Research and Development (CIWaRD) and I hold the Claude Leon Foundation Chair in Water Research.



Craig Smeaton

Lecturer in Physical Geography, University of St Andrews
My principal research focus is to improve our understanding of the role marine and intertidal sedimentary environments play in the global carbon cycle over different spatial and temporal scales.

Marine sediments and intertidal soils (saltmarsh, seagrass and mangroves) are capable of burying and storing globally significant quantities of carbon (sometimes referred to as Blue Carbon) away for thousands of years potentially providing a highly important climate mitigation service.

These sedimentary environments are recognised, as crucial components of the global carbon cycle, yet many unknowns remain hindering there inclusion in global climate models, national carbon accounting and greenhouse gas inventories.

To tackle this issue I bring together techniques from across the different geoscience disciplines (Geo- physics, chemistry, morphology, spatial analysis) to better understand:

The quantity of carbon held with marine and intertidal sediments.
The rate at which carbon is buried and locked away in these sedimentary environments.
The source of the carbon (terrestrial vs marine).
The natural and anthropogenic mechanisms that govern the preservation of carbon in these sedimentary

Geographically, my research is currently focused on the saltmarshes of the United Kingdom and continental shelf sediments in the North East Atlantic with particular focus on fjord sediments.



Craig Smith

Research Investigator, University of Michigan

Dr. Craig Smith’s research focuses on children’s social cognitive development and links to social behavior. Examples of specific areas of interest are: children’s developing understanding of distributive and retributive justice, children’s understanding of antisociality, children’s reactions to conflicts and mitigating accounts (apologies, confessions, etc.), influences on children’s money saving and spending behaviors, links between math performance and cognition about fairness, and children’s use of social input as a guide for future thinking.

Craig is currently the director of the Living Lab project at the University of Michigan. The Living Lab is a research/education model that brings developmental research into community settings such as museums and libraries. The UM Living Lab sites currently include the Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum, the UM Museum of Natural History, and the main branch of the Ann Arbor District Library. Since the start of the Living Lab project in 2012, over 6,000 children and families have participated in research in these community settings, and thousands more have had opportunities to converse with researchers studying child development.



Craig Smith1

Lecturer in Law, University of Salford
As a law lecturer at the University of Salford, with 11 years in higher education, my focus is on the law and technology, specifically on AI in legal education. Having lectured at several universities, my expertise is recognised beyond a single institution. I currently serve as an external examiner, upholding quality for assessment.

My previous position as Head of Digital Education, demonstrates a commitment to innovative teaching methods using technology for learning and teaching. I am a recognised Senior Fellow of Advance HE.

Recently I have presented at conferences and AI events, capturing the attention of fellow educators interested in the relationship between AI and education. My scholarly contributions include a publication on assessment, AI and legal education. I co-authored an expert comment on AI and the judiciary, collaborating with a law firm partner.



Craig Speelman

I graduated from UWA in 1985 with a Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Psychology, followed by a PhD in Psychology from UWA in 1992. In both degrees I completed research projects in Cognitive Psychology, the study of processes underlying thought. The focus of my PhD project was cognitive skill acquisition, which is my main area of expertise today.



Craig Stanbury

PhD Candidate, Monash University
I am a current PhD Candidate at the Monash Bioethics Centre. My research is at the intersection of procreation ethics, population ethics and environmental ethics, and is specifically investigating to what extent procreative practices need to change in light of overpopulation and climate change concerns.

I have a Masters Research Degree from Monash University and an Honours degree from the University of Melbourne.

I am also currently employed as a Researcher at Sydney Health Ethics (USyd) where I am part of a team investigating the commercial influences in Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ARTs).



Craig Wight

Associated Professor in Tourism, Edinburgh Napier University
Craig Wight is an Associate Professor at Edinburgh Napier University. He has authored a number of publications on tourism and heritage management in top rated journals and in edited collections. He has also undertaken a wealth of tourism, hospitality, leisure and cultural research and consultancy for a range of national and international clients within the public, private and voluntary sectors. He is a recognised expert in the area of genocide heritage in European city destinations and recently gave an interview to the New York Times on this topic. Most recently, Craig has produced research looking at visitor reactions to genocide heritage museums on social media, and public responses to moral transgression at European Holocaust heritage sites.



Craig A. Foster

Professor and Chair, Department of Psychology, State University of New York College at Cortland
I am a social psychology professor who studies scientific reasoning and the development of pseudoscientific beliefs. I have published several articles about anti-vaccination, flat Earth beliefs, and God's purported influence on sports. I served as a professor at the United States Air Force Academy for several years. I am currently professor and chair of the Psychology Department at SUNY Cortland.



Cris Townley

Postdoctoral research fellow, Western Sydney University
Cris Townley is an researcher with a foundation in sociology and education, in Transforming early Education And Child Health Research Centre (TeEACH) at Western Sydney University. TeEACH is an interdisciplinary research centre focused on supporting families and children who live with adversity. Cris' research explores identity, belonging and support in parenting groups, LGBTQ+ experience, service integration, and the growing problem of an education system that has a narrow concept of who children are and what supports them to thrive. Cris is a member of Parents for Trans Youth Equity (P-TYE).



Cristián Bravo

Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair in Banking and Insurance Analytics, Western University
Dr. Cristián Bravo is Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair in Banking and Insurance Analytics at the University of Western Ontario, Canada, where he serves as Director of the Banking Analytics Lab. Previously, he served as Associate Professor of Business Analytics at the Department of Decision Analytics and Risk, University of Southampton, Research Fellow at KU Leuven, Belgium, and as Research Director at the Finance Centre, Universidad de Chile. His research focuses on the development and application of data science methodologies in the context of credit risk analytics, in areas such as deep learning, text analytics, image processing, causal inference, and social network analysis. He has over 50 publications in high-impact journals and conferences in operational research and computer science. He also serves as editorial board member in Applied Soft Computing and the Journal of Business Analytics. He is the co-author of the book “Profit Driven Business Analytics”, with editions in English and Chinese. He can be reached via LinkedIn, by Twitter @CrBravoR, or through his lab website at



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