

Lars Tummers

Professor of Public Administration and Organizational Science, Utrecht University
I am a chaired public administration and organization science professor at Utrecht University. Previously, I worked as a visiting scholar at the University of Oxford, an associate professor at Erasmus University, and a Marie Curie Fellow at the University of California, Berkeley. I am one of the initiators of an interdisciplinary field combining psychology and public administration, called 'Behavioral Public Administration'.



Lars Erik Holmquist

Professor of Design and Innovation, Nottingham Trent University
Lars Erik Holmquist is Professor of Design and Innovation in the School of Art and Design at Nottingham Trent University (NTU). He is an internationally leading researcher in human computer interaction, interaction design and ubiquitous computing. He has published over 100 articles in fields such as HCI, design methods, mobile applications and ubiquitous computing, which have been cited more than 4500 times.

Before joining NTU, he was Professor of Innovation at Northumbria University's Department of Design.



Laryea Akwetteh

Assistant lecturer, University of Ghana
Laryea Akwetteh is an Assistant Lecturer at the Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana, Legon and holds degrees in music and African studies from the same University. He is a scholar and performing artist with a strong interest in the musics of the Ga people of Accra. Akwetteh is currently pursuing a PhD in Ethnomusicology at the Faculty of Music, University of Toronto, Canada.



Lata Vadlamudi

Prinicipal Research Fellow & Neurology and Mental Health Theme Leader UQCCR, The University of Queensland
Associate Professor Lata Vadlamudi is a Senior Staff Specialist in Neurology at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital; Epileptologist within the Comprehensive Epilepsy Program; Metro North Clinician Research Fellow; and Neurosciences Theme Leader at the University of Queensland Centre for Clinical Research (UQCCR).

She obtained her medical degree from the University of QLD and completed physician training in the field of Neurology. Further specialized training in epilepsy was undertaken in Melbourne, Sydney and the Mayo Clinic, USA. PhD was obtained from the University of Melbourne, which was entitled “The Genetics of Epilepsy: The Testimony of Twins”.



Laura Blessing

Senior Fellow, Government Affairs Institute at Georgetown University, Georgetown University
Laura Blessing, Ph.D. is a Senior Fellow at the Government Affairs Institute (GAI) at Georgetown University and also teaches in the McCourt School of Public Policy. Prior to coming to GAI, she earned her PhD from the University of Virginia, where she was also a Miller Center National Fellow and a fellow for the Bankard Fund for Political Economy. Her interests include institutions, political parties, and policy, particularly tax and budget. She has worked on the Hill as an American Political Science Association (APSA) Congressional Fellow, serving as the legislative assistant for tax policy for a senior member of the Ways and Means Committee. She has published on the eroding budget process, tax policy in the 2016 Presidential campaign, social movements and the Presidency, and the importance of practical experience in politics informing scholarship. She has engaged in congressional testimony and other public commentary on politics in various media venues, including NPR’s Marketplace, CSPAN, and other politics outlets. She is currently working on a book on the politics of tax policy from the midcentury period to today.



Laura Buck

Senior Lecturer in Evolutionary Anthropology, Liverpool John Moores University
I am an Evolutionary Anthropologist interested in what determines variation in skeletal shape. In my past research I have focused on skeletal plasticity, the adaptive and neutral influences on hominin crania, and climatic adaptation in human and non-human primates. Currently, my main research employs non-human primate models to investigate the morphological consequences of hybridisation between closely related taxa. These will be used to better understand the effects of human interbreeding with extinct hominins (e.g., Neanderthals). The methods I employ include computed tomography, 3D laser scanning, manipulation of digital data (e.g., segmentation and virtual measurement), geometric morphometric methods and traditional morphometrics.



Laura Bullon-Cassis

Chercheuse post-doctorale, Graduate Institute – Institut de hautes études internationales et du développement (IHEID)
Laura Bullon-Cassis is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Albert Hirschman Centre on Democracy. She is interested in how we can organise and prepare for the great challenges of our time -- including climate change and AI -- with a focus on the role of language and meaning in transforming our societies.

Laura received her Ph.D. (with Distinction) from the Department of Media, Culture, and Communication at New York University in 2022. Her dissertation explored the sociocultural category of 'youth' in UN climate summitry, with a particular focus on how framings of youth and the politics of attention impact the lived experiences of young people. As part of her fieldwork, she conducted three years of participant observation with youth advocates and activists in United Nations climate summits in New York, Madrid and Glasgow. Her current research projects look at, respectively, democratic innovations as a response to youth demands, and the role of Artificial Intelligence in democracy.

Laura has taught interdisciplinary courses on topics related to sustainability, youth, and media studies at Pratt Institute and New York University. As a Team Leader and Writer for the International Institute for Sustainable Development’s (IISD) Reporting Services, Laura regularly attends UN environmental conferences worldwide. She sat on the Board of the Children and Youth Interest Group of the American Anthropological Association and served as Assistant Editor for the leading academic journal Public Culture, co-hosted by Columbia University and New York University's Institute for Public Knowledge. In 2023, she was a Visiting Fellow at the Centre for the Study of Existential Risk at Cambridge University and a Research Affiliate with the Institute for Data, Democracy & Politics (IDDP) at George Washington University.

Prior to her graduate studies, Laura worked for the United Nations in Tokyo, Geneva, New York City, and Haiti. She has held roles, among others, at the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III), and the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH). She has published her work in academic and media outlets, including the Journal of Youth Studies, Global Policy Journal, NEOS, and OpenDemocracy.

Laura holds an MSc in Global Politics and a BSc in Sociology from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).



Laura Cahillane

Associate Professor of Law, University of Limerick, University of Limerick



Laura Calvet-Mir

Researcher: Institut Metropoli, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Dr Laura Calvet Mir has a PhD in environmental sciences (UAB, 2011), master’s in ecological economics (UAB, 2007) and degree in environmental sciences (UAB, 2006).

Her research has mainly focused on urban and rural agriculture, agroecological transitions and biocultural diversity in a context of global change, with particular attention to climate change. In the study of local socio-ecological systems, she has combined ethnographic approaches with quantitative methods such as statistics and social network analysis.

Her main research interests are agrobiodiversity, agroecology, ecosystem services, ethnoecology, political ecology and traditional ecological knowledge.

Since 2014, she has been the coordinator of the postgraduate programme in local agroecological revitalisation at the UAB and since 2017, part of the SGR Urban Transformation and Global Change Laboratory (TURBA Lab) at the UOC. Since June 2022, she has been part of the Urban Sustainability team, focusing on food systems.



Laura Captari

Clinical and Research Psychologist, The Danielsen Institute, Boston University
Laura E. Captari, Ph.D. is an academic researcher and staff psychologist at the Danielsen Institute. She completed her doctorate in counseling psychology, where her dissertation explored links between emotional abuse and neglect, attachment processes, dissociation, and affect regulation. Dr. Captari’s research and clinical interests include the developmental and relational impacts of trauma, disaster, and loss across the lifespan, with attention to intersectionality, spirituality, the mind-body connection, and culturally-embedded strengths (e.g., gratitude, compassion, humility, meaning) that can serve as pathways to resilience and flourishing, particularly for those who hold marginalized identities. She also has developing interest in supporting the unique needs of therapists and those in helping professions. Dr. Captari is co-author of the forthcoming book, Trauma and the Family: A Systemic Approach to Assessment and Intervention.

Dr. Captari firmly believes in the transformative possibilities of psychotherapy to help us more deeply understand ourselves and reshape the stories we are living in; become more curious, compassionate, and adaptable amidst life’s hardships; and experience greater freedom and creativity in work, love and play. She has received advanced training in psychodynamic, relational, and DBT approaches in a variety of settings (e.g., hospital, community mental health, college counseling, intensive in-home, private practice), and completed postdoctoral specializations in psychoanalytic and group approaches, as well as infant parent mental health. Dr. Captari welcomes each patient to a collaborative therapeutic journey that attends to the whole person, integrating cultural and spiritual resources, as well as the creative arts and nature, in order to promote well-being.



Laura Carlson

Professor in Law, Stockholm University
Laura Carlson is a professor of private law at Stockholm University. Carlson specializes in employment and labor law, gender, discrimination, academic freedom and critical legal theories. She is a Visiting Research Fellow at the Institute of European and Comparative Law, University of Oxford. Carlson is the Editor-in-Chief, Brill Research Perspectives in Comparative Discrimination Law, co-editor of the peer-reviewed International Journal of Discrimination and the Law and a board member of the Berkeley Center on Comparative Equality & Anti-Discrimination Law. Carlson’s books include volume editor for Scandinavian Studies in Law: Vol. 68 Equality (2022), The Fundamentals of Swedish Law (2019), Workers, Collectivism and the Law: Grappling with Democracy (2018), Comparative Discrimination Law: Historical and Theoretical Frameworks, Brill (2017) and Searching for Equality: Sex Discrimination, Parental Leave and the Swedish Model with Comparisons to EU, UK and US law (2007). Carlson is also President of the European Women Lawyers Association.



Laura Case

PhD Candidate, Sydney Conservatorium of Music, University of Sydney
Laura Case is a PhD Candidate and lecturer in musicology at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music. She is a descendant of the Wiradjuri people of Central West New South Wales and a classical violinist with over 20 years of experience.



Laura Cinti

Research Fellow in bio art & plant behaviour, University of Southampton
Laura Cinti is a research based artist working with biology. Her current practice utilises drone technology and artificial intelligence to explore their impacts in environmental conservation and biodiversity. Laura has a PhD from UCL's Slade School of Fine Art, MA in Interactive Media: Critical Theory & Practice from Goldsmiths College, University of London and BA (Hons) in Fine Art from the University of Hertfordshire. Her artworks have been exhibited and presented worldwide.



Laura D'Olimpio

Dr Laura D’Olimpio is a Senior Lecturer in Philosophy at The University of Notre Dame Australia. Laura completed her PhD 'The Moral Possibilities of Mass Art' at The University of Western Australia. Her Thesis examines the moral impact of mass artworks, particularly film, in society. Laura has published in the areas of philosophical pedagogy, aesthetics and ethics and regularly contributes to Radio National's The Philosopher's Zone. Laura is Chairperson of the Association for Philosophy in Schools (APIS, W.A.) and co-editor of the open access Journal of Philosophy in Schools (



Laura Dalman

PhD candidate, University of Tasmania
Laura Dalman is a PhD candidate at the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies focusing on Southern Ocean ice-associated primary producers. She is interested in how physical and biological processes influence the magnitude, composition, and phenology of marine primary production and nutrient dynamics.



Laura Downie

Associate Professor in Optometry and Vision Sciences, The University of Melbourne
Laura Downie is an Associate Professor and Dame Kate Campbell Fellow for research excellence in the Department of Optometry and Vision Sciences, in the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences, at the University of Melbourne. She is an academic clinician scientist and practising optometrist, whose achievements span research, education, engagement and leadership. She heads the ‘Anterior Eye, Clinical Trials and Research Translation Unit’, comprising 14 staff and research higher degree students.

She is Director of the inaugural Melbourne Cochrane Centre for Evidence-Based Vision Care, one of nine such centres globally recognised for excellence in leading the translation of high-quality research evidence into eye care practice. Laura’s research has a strong translational focus, combining laboratory, clinical and implementation science as a foundation for improving outcomes for patients with eye disease. In 2018, she was recognised by Optometry Australia as the youngest of 32 “female luminaries” to have pioneered optometric research, and has received multiple national and international awards for research excellence.



Laura Empson

Professor in the Management of Professional Service Firms, Bayes Business School, City, University of London
Professional Service Firms at Bayes Business School (formerly Cass), as well as Senior Research Fellow at Harvard Law School.

She has dedicated almost 30 years to researching professionals, professionals, and the professions. Her research focuses on issues of leadership, governance, culture, identity, and complex change processes, all in a professional context.

Alongside her publications in leading academic journals, she has published a series of books with Oxford University Press – her latest is Leading Professionals: Power, Politics, and Prima Donnas.

She published regularly in Harvard Business Review, has made a documentary for the BBC, and co-presents the podcast series, Leading Professional People.

She advises many of the world’s leading law, accounting, and consulting firms. From 2013 to 2016 she served on the Board of KPMG LLP (becoming Chair of the Independent Non-Executives).

She was previously Associate Professor at the University of Oxford. She has a PhD and MBA from London Business School.



Laura Fenton

Research Associate, Public Health, University of Sheffield
Dr Fenton is a Research Associate in Public Health at the University of Sheffield and in Geography at the University of Manchester. She has a PhD in Sociology from the University of Manchester. Her PhD used biographical and life history methods to explore different generations of British women's relationships to alcohol across the lifecourse. Since finishing her PhD, she has worked on projects on youth, generation and the life-course, including the ESRC funded Girlhood and Later Life project and the UKRI funded Austerity and Altered Life-Courses project at the University of Manchester, and the Wellcome funded Youth Drinking in Decline project at the University of Sheffield. She is especially interested in how young people’s transitions into adulthood act as a litmus test for the state of societies – the nature and extent of (in)equality, social (in)justice, the quality of life they offer - and how this changes over time.



Laura Fisher

PhD student, Sociology, Dalhousie University
Ph.D. student (Dalhousie University)
Master of Arts in Sociology '21 (Acadia University)
Bachelor of Community Development (with Honours) (Acadia University)
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council masters and doctoral fellowship holder
Research Assistant in Reimagining Care/Work Policies in Canada project
previous research assistant in infant feeding and food insecurity to Dr. Lesley Frank.



Laura Fleszar

Public Health Researcher at the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, University of Washington
Laura Fleszar, MPH, is a Researcher at the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington. Laura has experience managing inpatient and outpatient clinical trials for cardiovascular disease and has worked extensively in the health and education nonprofit space. In her current role, she works with the cardiovascular disease team on health disparities projects. Her research interests include health policy, social determinants of health, and statistical modeling.

Laura received her MPH in Epidemiologic and Biostatistical Methods from Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health. She received her BA in Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania.



Laura Gee

Assistant Professor of Economics, Tufts University

Laura K. Gee received her PhD in Economics from UC San Diego in 2013. Her research is in behavioral economics — with a particular focus on how individual decision making is influenced by group dynamics. She currently has two main lines of research. One line is about the provision of public goods including charitable contributions. The second is about the relationship between social networks and labor markets. Her studies rely on both lab and field experiments, as well as observational data.



Laura Goh

Postdoctoral Research Associate, School of Architecture, Design and Planning, University of Sydney
Laura is a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Sydney School of Architecture, Design and Planning at the University of Sydney.



Laura Goldblatt

Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia
Laura Goldblatt is a literary and cultural studies scholar of state propaganda and material culture in the twentieth-century United States. Additionally, she has written about the university as a critical site of activist intervention and the impact of its built environment and labor practices on local housing markets and economic precarity. Her peer-reviewed work has appeared in or is forthcoming in Mississippi Quarterly, the Journal of American Studies, Social Text, Winterthur Portfolio, Pedagogy, Works and Days, and an edited volume about the August 12th, 2017 violence in Charlottesville. She is currently at work on two monographs. The first, After Destiny: Propaganda, Settler Colonialism, and Community, explores the reception of state-sponsored reproductions of literary and popular texts about U.S. national expansion that were used for propagandistic purposes. Yet rather than focusing on the formal features of the artifacts themselves, she examines their use value for groups dispossessed by the logic of late capitalism, such as Native and Black Americans, during the long twentieth century. Additionally, along with Professor of Anthropology Richard Handler, she is writing a monography about twentieth-century U.S. postage stamps that takes moral circulation as its theme.



Laura Hambley

Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Calgary
Dr. Laura Hambley is an Organizational Psychologist, Keynote Speaker, Business Leader, Author and Podcast Host. She is a sought-after thought leader on workplace psychology and career development in Canada, with 22+ years of experience providing organizational consulting and developing leaders in Canada and internationally. Dr. Laura is a thought leader on the evolution of work and understands the intersection of business and people.

Dr. Laura’s areas of expertise include leadership, team, and culture development in organizations, remote/hybrid workplace success, and mental health/developing resiliency through turbulent times. She holds a Ph.D. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from the University of Calgary, where she is currently an Adjunct Professor. Her research on remote leadership and team effectiveness was recognized for a decade before the pandemic, and has helped countless organizations adapt to hybrid workplaces.

As a passionate entrepreneur, Dr. Laura has founded several psychology practices in Canada since 2009, including Work EvOHlution™, Canada Career Counselling, Calgary Career Counselling, and Synthesis Psychology. She runs the podcast Where Work Meets LifeTM, where she interviews global experts on a variety of topics around wellness, career, and culture.



Laura Hamer

Senior Lecturer in Music, The Open University
Laura Hamer is a Staff Tutor and Senior Lecturer in Music. She is currently Director of Student Support for the School of Arts and Humanities.

Laura is a Feminist Musicologist specialising in Women in Music. She holds a BA in Music from the University of Oxford and an MA and PhD in Musicology from Cardiff University. She completed a PG Cert in Academic Practice (HE teaching qualification) at Liverpool Hope University in 2013, and is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. She is also a pianist, and holds an LRSM in Advanced Piano Performance.

Laura initially worked for The Open University as an Associate Lecturer between 2010 and 2011. She was also a Lecturer in Music at The Open University in 2011. Between 2012 and 2018 she worked for Liverpool Hope University, including four years as Head of Music. She has also taught Music at Cardiff University, Rose Bruford College, and Royal Birmingham Conservatoire of Music. She served on the Central Committee of the National Association for Music in Higher Education (NAMHE, now MusicHe) between January 2014 and December 2016. She was Lead for the EDIMS (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Music Studies) Network Parents and Carers Working Group between 2020 and 2022.

As a Staff Tutor, Laura oversees tuition and supports students and Associate Lecturers on a range of Music modules throughout the UK (currently A342).

Research interests

Laura’s primary research interests lie in women in music, encompassing both classical and popular traditions. Her monograph Female Composers, Conductors, Performers: Musiciennes of Interwar France, 1919-1939, was published by Routledge in 2018 (paperback edition, 2020). She has also published articles and book chapters on a wide range of women musicians, including composers, songwriters, conductors, and all-woman orchestras, and also on Olivier Messiaen, Gerard Manley Hopkins, reception and criticism studies, and digital musicology. She is editor of The Cambridge Companion to Women in Music since 1900 (Cambridge University Press, 2021), and co-editor, with Helen Julia Minors, of The Routledge Companion to Women and Musical Leadership: The Nineteenth Century and Beyond (forthcoming, Routledge). Please see the Publications tab for a full list of publications.

Laura has organised a number of conferences and events. In 2013 she organised the Eighth Biennial International Conference on Music since 1900. In 2015 she organised the Women in Music since 1913 Symposium, and the same year she co-chaired Hopkins at Hope (a celebration of the time spent in Liverpool by the poet, musician, and priest Gerard Manley Hopkins) with Dr Guy Cuthbertson (Liverpool Hope University). In 2019, she co-chaired the International Women and/in Musical Leadership Conference with Prof Helen Julia Minors (York St John University). She is currently PI on the AHRC-funded Women's Musical Leadership Online Network: Women’s Musical Leadership Online Project (WMLOP) | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (



Laura Harris

Research Assistant, Sport, Allyship, and Inclusion Lab, Brock University
Laura is a research assistant and sessional instructor at Brock University. Her research focuses on gender equity in sport, with a focus on the marketing portrayal and sponsorship of professional women athletes.



Laura Johnstone

PhD Candidate in Criminal Justice, University of Canterbury
I hold a Bachelor of Arts, a Bachelor of Laws and a Master of Criminal Justice (Distinction) (University of Canterbury) and my interests lie in prisons, punishment of criminal offending, and criminal justice systems. Prior to returning to academia to undertake my graduate studies, I practiced law and worked across various state agencies in Aotearoa New Zealand as a public servant.



Laura Jones3

Doctoral Student in International Relations, The Fletcher School, Tufts University
Laura Jones is an Air Force special operations pilot currently serving as a PhD student at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University. Prior to beginning the PhD program, Laura served as a CV-22B Osprey instructor pilot and a first assignment instructor pilot in the T-6A Texan II. She has led a RAND Corporation research team, provided translation support to the Office of Defense Cooperation at the U.S Embassy in Paris, France, and deployed to East Africa as a liaison officer to the French Air Force. In addition to military duties, she is a member of the Irregular Warfare Initiative and sits on the board of directors where she oversees production of the Irregular Warfare Podcast. Laura is a graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy (2011) where she received a B.S. in Regional Area Studies and a French minor and holds an M.A. in Military History from American Military University. She is a non-resident Fellow at the Joint Special Operations University, a National Defense University, Center for the Study of Weapons of Mass Destruction Fellow, and a 2021 Pat Tillman Foundation Scholar.



Laura Lambert

Senior Researcher, University of Freiburg
Laura Lambert, Dr. des. phil., is interim head of the research cluster “Patterns of (Forced) Migration” at Arnold Bergstraesser Institute in Freiburg, Germany. Her prior PhD research “everyday externalization” (funded by the Max Planck Society) is an ethnographic exploration of the EU externalization of refugee protection to Niger and its unintended consequences in the everyday life of the cooperating third state. Her wider research interests include refugee recognition and protection, bureaucracies, migration regimes and migrant struggles, future-making and infrastructures. She is the co-founder of the West Africa working group at



Laura Lander

Lecturer in Engineering, King's College London
Dr Laura Lander is a Lecturer at King's Department of Engineering.

Laura's research focus aims to tackle the challenges of current energy storage systems and, ultimately, to develop high-performance sustainable battery devices. She applies a multi-scale research approach working at the interface between materials science and engineering including life cycle assessment and techno-economics across the battery value chain.

Laura has a transdisciplinary background in energy storage technologies covering the design and characterisation of energy storage materials as well as the evaluation of environmental and economic implications of batteries in a real-world application context. She obtained her PhD from College de France in Paris and later joined the University of Tokyo, where she was awarded a JSPS postdoctoral research fellowship. She then moved to Imperial College London as a Faraday Institution postdoctoral researcher in the Electrochemical Science and Engineering group (Mechanical Engineering Department) before joining King’s College London.



Laura Lindsey

I am a chartered psychologist with more than 10 years experience in public health research. I am a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and an associate fellow of the British Psychological Society.

My research expertise is around patient experience and access to care. My particular interest is around antipsychotic withdrawal and people being offered the support they need. As a qualitative researcher, I am interested in the use of qualitative methods and the role they can play to explore ways of improving the patient experience and outcomes and patient involvement in the care process.



Laura Link

Assistant Professor of Teaching and Leadership, University of North Dakota
Dr. Link is the co-author of Cornerstones of Strong Schools: Practices for Purposeful Leadership and author of several articles, book chapters, and professional papers on school leaders, grading, and classroom assessments. She currently serves as an assistant professor and Graduate Director of the Master of Science in Teaching & Leadership program at the University of North Dakota and has won many awards for her community engagement.

Dr. Link served as Associate Dean of the College of Public Service at the University of Houston-Downtown and in various K-12 central office and school-based leadership roles such as Chief Academic Officer, Chief Talent Management Officer, Assistant Superintendent, Professional Development Director, and more. She has taught elementary, middle, high school and college students in her 32 years in the education profession. While Dr. Link was Assistant Superintendent of Teaching & Learning in Memphis, TN, she was 1 of 7 administrators charged with leading the largest school district merger in United States’ history.



Laura MacDiarmid

Assistant Professor, Justice Studies, University of Guelph-Humber
My research explores the experiences of criminal justice-involved individuals with a particular focus on community justice alternatives, such as restorative justice and bail. I draw from sociological and criminological theories that account for interactional dynamics, emotion, and punishment.



Laura Makey

PhD Candidate, Sheffield Hallam University
My specialist interests are in infectious diseases and sexual health. I have been involved with a number of research trials for testing new HIV drugs and treatments for sexually transmitted diseases. I also have a keen interest in clinical research design and methods to improve recruitment to research trials. I am currently studying for a PhD on Loneliness amongst women with a HIV diagnosis.



Laura McLauchlan

Postdoctoral Fellow in Anthropology, Macquarie University
Laura McLauchlan is a Postdoctoral Fellow in Anthropology at the School of Social Sciences at Macquarie University. Laura’s work examines practices and worldviews that variously support and block generative connection both within human and other-than-human relationships.



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