

Georgina Virgo

Research assistant, University of Adelaide
I am a geoscientist who recently completed a PhD at The University of Adelaide. My research focused on unravelling past environments during the Neoproterozoic Era. This was a dynamic time in Earth's past, as the world experienced climatic shifts, tectonic reorganisation, and biological evolution. As part of my project, I conducted fieldwork in the northern Flinders Ranges, and used sedimentological and geochemical techniques to try and piece together how the world descended into a global icehouse, referred to as "Snowball Earth", roughly 700 million years ago.

Since finishing my PhD, I have continued working within the university environment, as both an administrative officer for the Tectonics and Earth Systems (TES) Research Group and Metal Isotopes Group (MIG), and a research assistant for the Australian Critical Zone Observatory (OZCZO).



Georgios Christopoulos

Associate Professor & Asst. Dean (Research), Nanyang Technological University
Assoc. Prof. Georgios Christopoulos holds a Ph.D. in decision neuroscience (Cambridge). Georgios enjoys interdisciplinary collaborations, as complex problems need input from different disciplines. His lab examines organizational, entrepreneurial and managerial behavior by combining traditional methods with state-of-the-art experimental, game-theoretic and neurobiological methods. Specific questions relate to (i) detecting mental fatigue using biosensors (ii) dynamics of trust and (ii) the impact of the built environment (including office design) on performance and well-being He holds expertise in a wide range of methods, including computerised testing, computational modelling, fMRI, psychophysiology, whereas he has been developing new methods including wearable devices and Virtual Reality. His research has attracted > USD$4M from both the government and the industry.




Georgios Efthimiou

Lecturer in Microbiology, University of Hull
I am a Lecturer in Microbiology at the University of Hull. My research interests are: Natural antimicrobials, Biofilms, Probiotics, Microbial Communities and Food/Water Safety. I am also a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA), interested in Innovative Teaching and Outreach activities.



Geraint Phillips

PhD in Probabilistic Supply and Demand Forecasting of UK Hyper Local Energy Systems using Machine Learning, University of Birmingham
Recently graduated MEng Chemical Engineering student from the University of Birmingham. Starting to look at the use of machine learning to help understand and quantify hyper local energy system net-loads under net-zero energy systems.



Gerald Hughes

Reader in the Department of International Politics, Aberystwyth University
R. Gerald Hughes is Reader in Military history, also specialising in diplomatic history and the history of intelligence. He holds undergraduate and Masters degrees from the Universities of Stirling, Bangor and Aberystwyth. He was awarded a Ph.D by the University of Wales in 2000 on the subject of British policy towards West German Ostpolitik in the years 1955-1967. Hughes is the reviews editor of Intelligence & National Security, the world's leading journal on the role of intelligence in international affairs, and the editor of the Study Group on Intelligence newsletter. He is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society. His publications include ‘Carl von Clausewitz and his Philosophy of War: The Evolution of a Reputation, 1831–2021’, *History* 105 (368) (2020); ‘“First Gain the Victory and then Make the Best Use of it you can”: the Royal Navy in the Aftermath of the Falklands War’, *International Journal of Military History and Historiography*, 43 (2023); (with Stephen Hanna), ‘Journeys Back Along the Roads to Mandalay, Imphal and Kohima: Recent Contributions to the History of the Burma Theatre in the Second World War’, *Intelligence and National Security*, 37/1 (2021); and (with Rhodri Jeffreys-Jones), ‘Timely memoirs and the ‘British invasion’: Two trends in the historiography of the CIA’, *Journal of Intelligence History*, (2022). His published books include Britain, Germany and the Cold War: The Search for a European Détente, 1949–1967 (2007/2014); *The Postwar Legacy of Appeasement: British Foreign Policy since 1945* (2014); and, as editor with Len Scott, *The Cuban Missile Crisis: A Critical Reappraisal* (2016).



Gerald West

Senior Professor of Biblical Studies, University of KwaZulu-Natal
Gerald does research in African biblical interpretation. His current project is 'Revisiting the Bible as a site of struggle', which reflects on the work of the Ujamaa Centre for Community Development and Research, and which builds on aspects of his recent book, The Stolen Bible: From Tool of Imperialism to African Icon (2016).



Gerald P. Dwyer

Professor Emeritus of Economics and BB&T Scholar, Clemson University
Gerald P. Dwyer is Professor Emeritus of Economics and BB&T Scholar at Clemson University. Prior to his appointment at Clemson as a Professor and BB&T Scholar, he was the founding Director of the Center for Financial Innovation and Stability and a Vice President at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. Dr. Dwyer has been a faculty member at Texas A&M University, Emory University and the University of Houston. He is a Research Associate at the Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis at Australian National University and a Senior Fellow of the American Institute for Economic Research. He has been a Visiting Scholar at the Federal Reserve Banks of Atlanta, St. Louis and Minneapolis and at the University of Cambridge as well as an adjunct faculty member at Trinity College Dublin and the University of Carlos III in Madrid.
Dr. Dwyer’s recent research is on financial innovation, especially digital currencies, and financial crises and regulation. His research has appeared in leading economics and finance journals, publications by the Federal Reserve Banks of Atlanta and St. Louis, and books. He serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Financial Stability and Finance Research Letters. He is a past President and member of the Executive Committee of the Association of Private Enterprise Education. He also was a founding member of the Society for Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics, an organization which he served as President and as Treasurer and which honored him by creating the Gerald P. Dwyer Prize in Financial Econometrics.



Geraldine Asiwome Ampah

Senior Lecturer of Sociology, University of Ghana
I specialise in sociology of development and migration. I currently teach principles of social organisation, diversity of peoples and cultures, and culture and development at the University of Ghana

Selected Publications

Ampah Geraldine Asiwome (2022). Matched sampling methodology reconsidered: The role of trust in studying remittance transfers between Ghanaian immigrants in the UK and their relatives in Ghana. African Affairs, 121(482) pp. 131-150.

Kandilige Leander and Ampah Geraldine Asiwome. (2022). Gaps in protection for West African migrants in times of crisis: The role of a multi-stakeholder platform within a partnership in preparedness model? In Joseph Teye (Ed.) Migration in West Africa: IMISCOE Regional Reader. Gewerbestrasse Cham: Spirnger.

Bjola Cornelius, Manor, Ilan, and Adiku, Geraldine Asiwome. (2022). Diaspora Diplomacy in the Digital Age. In L. Kennedy (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of Diaspora Diplomacy. Oxford: Routledge.

Kandilige, Leander and Ampah, Geraldine Asiwome (2022). ‘Door‐to‐door’: An emerging transnational business model along the Global North‐Global South migration corridor. Population, Space Place. DOI:

Geraldine Asiwome Adiku & Leander Kandilige (2021) Co-creation of transnational livelihoods through ‘door-to- door’ shipping operations along the Ghana-UK migration corridor, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2021.1901674

Kandilige, Leander and Adiku, Geraldine Asiwome. (2019). The Quagmire of Return and Reintegration: Challenges to Multi-Stakeholder Co-ordination of Involuntary Returns. International Migration.

Kandilige Leander and Adiku, Geraldine Asiwome. (2019). ‘Returns of failure: Involuntary return migration and social change in Ghana’. In Paolo Boccagni, Remus Anghel, and Margit Fauser (Eds) Transnational return and social change: Social hierarchies, ideas, and social identities. (pp. 63-81). Anthem: London.

Kandilige Leander, Adiku, Geraldine Asiwome, Setrana Mary, Teye Joseph and Peterson Maame. (2019). The role of door to door shipping operators in Ghanaian international migration. Research Report for the University of Ghana.

Adiku, Geraldine Asiwome. (2017). ‘Negotiating transnational intimacy: A study of Ghanaian couples.’ Ghana Social Science Journal 14(1) pp. 161-192.

Adiku, Geraldine Asiwome and Alhassan Sulemana Anamzoya. (2016). Patriarchal norms in reverse remittance behaviour among Ghanaian transnational couples. Centre for Migration Studies, University of Ghana Reader.



Geranda Notten

Associate Professor, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, L’Université d’Ottawa/University of Ottawa
I am Associate Professor at the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs (University of Ottawa, Canada).

My fields of interest include public policy, public administration and economics. I have a strong interest in poverty and social policy. While my research spans both developed and developing countries, my current research focuses on jurisdictions in Europe and North America. In ongoing research projects, I study the influence of Poverty Reduction Strategy processes on poverty reduction policies and poverty, the use of non-money poverty indicators for measuring poverty, and the effects of income transfers on poverty and material deprivation.

I have been a visiting researcher at the Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER), the School for Public Policy & Administration at Carleton University (Ottawa), CEPS/INSTEAD (Luxembourg), the Kennedy School of Government (United States) and the Maastricht Graduate School of Governance (Netherlands). I have worked on consultancy projects for the World Bank, European Union and UNICEF on countries such as Mauritius, Congo Brazzaville and Russia. I hold a PhD in economics from Maastricht University (Netherlands).



Gerard Carruthers

Francis Hutcheson Professor of Scottish Literature, University of Glasgow
Gerard Carruthers was lecturer in the Department of English Studies, University of Strathclyde (1995- 2000), where he taught American, English and Scottish literatures. Previously he was Research Fellow at the Centre for Walter Scott Studies, University of Aberdeen (1993-5). Gerard Carruthers is a graduate of the universities of Glasgow and Strathclyde and of St Andrew's College of Education, Glasgow.

His PhD thesis was on 'The Invention of Scottish Literature During the Long Eighteenth Century'. His research interests include Scottish literature from 1690 to the 20th century, particularly Robert Burns, Muriel Spark, James Bridie, Alexander Geddes and Walter Scott



Gerard de Valence

Gerard de Valence is a Senior Lecturer in the School of the Built Environment, in the Faculty of Design Architecture and Building at the University of Technology Sydney. He was Director of the Postgraduate Property Development course from 2006-13, and previously was Director of the Facilities Management course.

Prior to becoming an academic in 1992 he had ten years experience as an analyst and economist in the private sector doing research on the property, building and construction industries for the Australian Stock Exchange, the Property Council of Australia and the NSW Royal Commission into Productivity in the Building Industry.

He has a long-standing interest in industry performance and development, and worked on industry policy in the 1990s with both the Australian Construction Industry Development Agency and the NSW Department of Public Works and Services. For the Commonwealth Government he was a consultant for DIS, including the 1998 Building for Growth construction industry policy, and the 2002 Cole Royal Commission into the industry.

His research has broadly focused on issues around the structure, conduct and technological trajectory of the building and construction industry, with over a hundred refereed papers and book chapters published. He was co-editor with Rick Best of the three volume Building in Value series of books published between 1999 and 2003: Pre-design Issues; Design and Construction; and Workplace Strategies and Facilities Management. As Coordinator between 2003 and 2011 of the International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (CIB) Working Commission on Building Economics (W55) he was a leader of the largest research group in the field. In 2012 Taylor and Francis published a new book he edited called Modern Construction Economics: Theory and Application.

Gerard has a blog on Construction Industry Economics and Policy at



Gerard Di Trolio

PhD candidate, Labour Studies, McMaster University
I am a PhD candidate in Labour Studies at McMaster University under the supervision of Professor Stephanie Ross. My areas of expertise include gig worker organizing, union renewal and the politics of labour.



Gerard Ilott

Lecturer in Accounting, CQUniversity Australia

I am a CPA, where I am also recognised as Specialist in IT. I am also a member of the Australian Computer Society.

My research interests include ethics, the nature of accounting, and governance.



Gerard Robinson

Professor of Practice in Public Policy and Law, University of Virginia
Gerard Robinson is a Professor of Practice in Public Policy and Law at UVA’s Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy, and has a joint appointment at UVA Law School. His areas of expertise are K-12 and higher education, criminal justice reform, race in American institutions and the role of nonprofit organizations in civil society. Examples of his scholarship include two co-edited books, Education for Liberation: The Politics of Promise and Reform Inside and Beyond America’s Prisons (2019) and Education Savings Accounts: The New Frontier in School Choice (2017), as well as an essay published in the Virginia Law Review (2023) and University of Pennsylvania Journal of Law & Social Change (2022).

He has been published or quoted in CNN Opinion, Forbes, Newsweek, The Hill, The New York Times, The Washington Examiner, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and U.S. News & World Report. Between 2020-23, Robinson co-hosted the popular “Learning Curve Podcast” with Dr. Cara Candal, through which they interviewed university professors, think tank scholars, entrepreneurs, elected officials, public and private sector leaders, and 13 Pulitzer Prize winners.

Robinson, a first-generation college graduate, earned an Ed.M. from Harvard University, a B.A. from Howard University and an A.A. from El Camino Community College. He is married and has three daughters.



Gerardo Aldana

Professor of Chicana and Chicano Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara
Gerardo Aldana is professor of Chicana/o Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara. His research takes a history of science approach to the astronomical knowledge recorded in Mayan hieroglyphic inscriptions as well as that captured in architectural construction. His most recent book, Calculating Brilliance: an intellectual history of Mayan astronomy at Chich’en Itza (University of Arizona Press, 2022), explores the historical development of the Dresden Codex Venus Table, culminating in its final version deployed at Mayapan.



Geremy Grant

Assistant Professor of School Psychology, Alfred University
Geremy Grant is Assistant Professor of School Psychology at Alfred University. Geremy is a Nationally Certified School Psychologist with a Doctorate in School Psychology from Teachers College, Columbia University (Class of 2020).



Gerhard Kemp

Professor of Criminal Law, University of the West of England
I joined UWE Bristol Law School in June 2023 as Professor of Criminal Law, specialising in international and transnational criminal law, comparative criminal law, and post-conflict justice. I serve on the board of directors of the Institute for Justice and Reconciliation (IJR) in Cape Town and I am a member of the advisory council of the Crimes Against Humanity Initiative, Whitney R Harris World Law Institute, Washington University (St Louis) in the United States. I am a fellow of the Royal Society for Arts, London, a senior research fellow at the Robert Bosch Stiftung, Berlin, a recipient of the Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship in Germany and a fellow of the Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study (STIAS) in South Africa. I am regional editor of the Criminal Law Forum (Springer Press) and serve on the editorial advisory boards of the South African Journal of Criminal Justice (Juta) and The Journal of Criminal Law (SAGE).



Gerhard Kling

Chair in Finance, University of Aberdeen
Professor Gerhard Kling holds a Chair in Finance at the University of Aberdeen. Before joining Aberdeen, he was a Professor of International Business and Management at SOAS University of London, a Professor of Finance at the University of Southampton and held academic posts at UWE and Utrecht University. He worked as a Practice Specialist in Corporate Finance at McKinsey & Company, where he mainly focused on firm valuation and M&A. He received a PhD in Economics from the University of Tuebingen and was awarded the Dissertation Prize of the International Economic History Association. He studied Economics and Mathematics (BSc and MSc). He is excited about programming with experience in Python, C/C++, MATLAB, STATA etc. In his free time, he enjoys recreational programming in GDScript (Godot), Blender, and C++ (Unreal). In addition, he runs the YouTube channel @YUNIKARN, which focuses on Data Analysis.



Germarié Viljoen

Associate Professor of Law at the Faculty of Law, North-West University, North-West University
Prof Germarié Viljoen is an Associate Professor of Law at the Faculty of Law, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, South Africa, where she teaches environmental law and the law of contract. She is an NRF-rated researcher, and her research interests lie in the nexus between water, energy and food. She is a member of the Executive Committee of the Environmental Law Association of South Africa (ELA), as well as a member of the Research Committee of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Academy of Environmental Law. She also serves as an assistant editor of the Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal.



Gernot Müller

Professor of Economics, School of Business and Economics, University of Tübingen



Gerry McElvaney

Professor of Medicine, RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences
Professor McElvaney has a strong track record in translational research and has published widely in the areas of cystic fibrosis (CF), alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (AATD), infection, immunity, and lung inflammation. Under his directorship the Respiratory Research Division has attracted national and international funding, including grants from the Health Research Board, Science Foundation Ireland, The Higher Education Authority, The CF Association of Ireland, and the US Alpha-1 Foundation. His unit has a well-established track record in research into CF and AATD and their work on lung defenses has led to interactions with pharmaceutical companies interested in translational research. For example in 1999 Beaumont Hospital was the first site worldwide for intravenous administration of transgenic alpha 1-antitrypsin to individuals with alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency. 2004 saw the first Phase 1 study in Beaumont Hospital of Lomucin, a medication developed to block abnormal mucin production from bronchial epithelium. This work arose directly from research carried out in the Respiratory Research Division. In 2001 Professor McElvaney founded the Alpha One Foundation of Ireland. Subsequently he received funding from the Department of Health and Children to establish the first targeted detection programme for alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency in Europe. This genetic condition is associated with risk for lung, liver and skin problems, and Professor McElvaney has been carrying out research into AATD for over 20 years.



Gertjan Verdickt

Lecturer, Business School, University of Auckland, Waipapa Taumata Rau
I am an Assistant Professor of Finance (Lecturer) at the University of Auckland. In 2019, I earned my Ph.D. in Financial Economics from the University of Antwerp, with research stays at several universities such as the Stanford Graduate School of Business, University of Notre Dame, and Columbia Business School. I have previously been an assistant professor at KU Leuven and a visiting lecturer at Erasmus University Rotterdam and Monash Business School.

My academic journey has fueled a passion for financial history, coupled with empirical asset pricing and wine economics. As an assistant editor at the Financial History Review, I actively contribute to the scholarly discourse in these fields. My dedication to advancing knowledge is reflected in publications in renowned academic journals, including Explorations in Economic History, the Journal of Economic History, and the Journal of Empirical Finance. My insights also reached a broader audience, with features in notable newspapers such as Bloomberg, De Tijd, HLN, and Financial Times.



Ghalia Shamayleh

PhD Candidate, Marketing, Concordia University
I am a fourth-year Marketing Ph.D. Candidate at the John Molson School of Business of Concordia University and am lucky enough to call Professor Zeynep Arsel, my academic supervisor. My background is in Marketing, I have a BSc in Economics with a concentration in Marketing from the Wharton School of Business and an MSc in Marketing from Concordia University. My research interests pertain to the effect of technology and the internet, namely social media, on consumers' expression of identity, their relationships with other consumers and the brands they consume.



Ghassan Hage

Professor of Anthropology and Social Theory, The University of Melbourne
Ghassan Hage is the University of Melbourne's Future Generation Professor of Anthropology and Social Theory and a Fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities. Ghassan joined the University of Melbourne in 2008 after fifteen years of teaching and researching at the University of Sydney. As a Future Generation Professor he works at fostering inter-disciplinary research across the university.

Ghassan has published widely in the comparative anthropology of nationalism, multiculturalism, racism and migration. His work fuses approaches from political economy, phenomenology and psychoanalysis. He is a reknowned expert in the work of Pierre Bourdieu. For many years and until Bourdieu's death he was an associate researcher in the latter's research centre at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales.

Ghassan is currently working on two ARC supported projects: The experience and circulation of political emotions concerning the Arab-Israeli conflict among Muslim immigrants in the Western world; and 'The Politics of Negotiation' as a critical way of re-conceiving inter-cultural relations. He is the author and editor of many works including White Nation and Against Paranoid Nationalism. His most recent work is the edited volume: Force, Movement, Intensity: The Newtonian Imagination in the Humanities and the Social Sciences.



Ghazala Shahabuddin

Visiting Professor of Environmental Studies, Ashoka University
I have a PhD in Ecology and Conservation Biology from the Nicholas School of the Environment at Duke University USA. I work on the ecological impacts of forest degradation, conversion and fragmentation on forest fauna, principally birds. I also work on the policy and politics of wildlife conservation in developing countries, with particular emphasis on protected area management, conservation-induced displacement and community-based conservation.



Giacomo Benedetto

I have published research on the European Parliament, the British House of Commons, the constitutional and budgetary politics of the EU and on Euroscepticism in the Journal of European Public Policy, Comparative Political Studies, the Journal of Common Market Studies, Party Politics and in the Journal of Public Policy. In 2012, Palgrave-Macmillan published my co-edited volume on the Reform of the European Union Budget. I am currently conducting research on the conintuity of consensus in the European Parliament following the Enlargement of the EU to ten new member states in 2004 and on the reform of the EU budget.

From 2009 to 2012, I was programme director of the interdisciplinary BA in European Studies and I teach courses at BA and MSc level in EU politics and policy, comparative democracy and democratization, and comparative institutional politics. In the past I have taught courses on government and public policy of France, comparative European politics, and at an introductory level on democracy in Europe. I also supervise two research students, one on the subject of the European Parliament committee system, and the other on EU anti-corruption policy.

Research interests: My main areas of research are budgetary decision-making in the EU and comparative legislative politics (with a particular focus on the European Parliament). I also have research interests in comparative electoral and party politics and in constitutional reform.
I am a member of Royal Holloway’s Centre for European Politics as well as the following external research networks: European Parliament Research Group, European Legislative Politics Research Group and of the European Parties, Elections and Referendums Network.

My PhD thesis (London School of Economics) of 2005 on Institutionalised Consensus in the European Parliament is now available for download here for free subject to academic or not-for-profit use as well as due citation as follows - Benedetto, Giacomo (2005) Institutionalised consensus in Europe’s parliament. PhD thesis, The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), University of London. It is accessible at:



Giancarlo Summa

Co-fundador com Mônica Herz do projeto MUDRAL (Multilateralismo e Direita Radical na América Latina), Pesquisador no Centre d'Études Sociologiques et Politiques Raymond Aron (CESPRA), École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS)
Giancarlo Summa foi diretor de comunicação da ONU no Brasil, México e África Ocidental; atualmente é Pesquisador no Centre d'Études Sociologiques et Politiques Raymond Aron (CESPRA) da École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociale (EHESS), em Paris.



Giandomenico Di Domenico

Lecturer in Marketing & Strategy, Cardiff University
Giandomenico is a Lecturer in Marketing and Strategy at Cardiff Business School. Before joining Cardiff Business School, he conducted his doctoral studies at the University of Portsmouth.

He adopts mainly experimental methods to better understand the dark side of social media, particularly the characteristics and spreading dynamics of misinformation through these channels. He focuses on how direct and indirect misinformation impacts brands and consumer behaviour. He is also interested in the dynamics of influencer marketing.

He has published in internationally recognised journals such as Journal of Business Research, Psychology & Marketing, the Journal of Interactive Marketing, the Journal of Public Policy & Marketing and Current Opinion in Psychology. He is a member of the Board of the journal Psychology & Marketing as Social Media Editor.



Gianfranco Gianfrate

Porfesseur et directeur de recherche de l'EDHEC-Risk Climate Impact Institute, EDHEC Business School
Gianfranco Gianfrate is Research Director of the EDHEC-Risk Climate Impact Institute and Professor of Finance at EDHEC Business School. He writes and researches on topics related to sustainable finance, innovation financing, and climate change finance. Prior to joining EDHEC Business School, he held teaching and research positions at Erasmus University (Netherlands), the University of Cambridge (UK), Harvard University (US), and Bocconi University (Italy). Gianfranco also has extensive experience in the financial industry, having worked, among others, for Deloitte Corporate Finance (Italy), Hermes Investment Management (UK), and iStarter (UK). Gianfranco holds a BA and a PhD in Business Administration from Bocconi University and a Masters in Public Administration from Harvard University. He has contributed to many books and academic journals, including Harvard Business Review, Journal of Corporate Finance, Energy Journal and Energy Policy. He is a board member of GRASFI, a research fellow of the Baffi Center at Bocconi University, a research fellow at the UK Center for Greening Finance and Investment, and an academic member of the Erasmus Platform for Sustainable Value Creation. He is a contributing author to the VI Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and received the FRI-PRI Award for the Best Pedagogical Innovation in Sustainable Finance in 2021.



Gianfranco Giuntoli

Research Fellow at the Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney
Dr Gianfranco Giuntoli is a Research Fellow at the Social Policy Research Centre. His research interests lie in the social study of health and illness, with a particular focus on the connections between well-being, poverty and employment transitions, and how social and policy factors affect people’s intra-personal and inter-personal experiences of well-being and their resilience.



Giang Nguyen-Dien

Postdoctoral Fellow in American Culture Studies, Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis
Giang Nguyen-Dien's book project examines explores the afterlives of the Vietnam War through emotional textures of refugee experiences. Situated in a larger scholarship of the haunting of U.S. militarism in Asia-Pacific and the affective afterlives of the Cold War politics, this project emphasizes how the history of empire-building, nation-building, and war-making is also a history of affective cultivation. Through refugee feelings, this work seeks to imagine a new politics of affective decolonization that rests on shared compassions for the ghosts of those who died unjust deaths across multiple geographies of violence.



Gianluca D'Agostino

PhD Student in Architectural and Landscape Heritage, Department of Architecture and Design, Politecnico di Torino
Gianluca D’Agostino is an Architect and PhD student in Architectural and Landscape Heritage at the Department of Architecture and Design, Politecnico di Torino, Italy. His research deals with the enhancement and communication of Cultural Heritage, focusing on topics related to social inclusion, outreach programmes and non-publics in museums.



Gianluca Di Censo

PhD Candidate, University of Adelaide
Gianluca Di Censo is a PhD student at the University of Adelaide. His research is on how gambling advertising influences young people. His primary research interests are in health and addictive behaviours. He also has an interest in evolutionary and developmental psychology.



Gianluca Fantoni

Senior Lecturer in Modern History, Nottingham Trent University
My training is in twentieth-century Italian history, cultural studies, and film studies. I research the public and political use of history and the integration of cinematic texts into historical research. I am the author of "Italy Through the Red Lens: Italian Politics and Society in Communist Propaganda Films (1946-79)" (Palgrave Macmillan, 2021), and "Storia della Brigata ebraica (A History of the Jewish Brigade)" (Turin, Einaudi, 2022). This work explores both the wartime history and the postwar political use of the history of the Jewish Brigade, a British military unit composed of Jewish volunteers from Mandatory Palestine. An English version of the book is due in the fall of 2024, published by McGill-Queen's University Press. I serve as General Editor of "Modern Italy" (Cambridge University Press). Currently, I am collaborating with the Matteotti Foundation to study documents brought by Gaetano Salvemini to the LSE concerning the Matteotti murder.



Gianmarco Contino

University of Birmingham
Gianmarco Contino is a clinician scientist actively working in the field translational oncology of gastrointestinal cancers and cancer genomic medicine. He has established his research group at the University of Birmingham after training in molecular and surgical oncology at worldwide leading institutions. With his research team, he is tackling structural variation of cancer genomes to exploit the vulnerabilities of aneuploidy and develop novel diagnostic and therapeutic strategies for upper gastrointestinal cancers. He is also pioneering the use of structural variation in germline genomes to identify predisposition to cancers. His clinical practice focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of early cancer, advanced endoscopy and genomic-driven precision oncology.

Gianmarco is passionate about all kind of science -in particular, genomics, oncology and physics – and cultivates an interest for philosophy, experimental theatre, jazz and classical music. Gianmarco also works in the field of medical epistemology with a focus on machine learning driven medicine and precision oncology. He is co-leading an AI working group initiative at the Von Hügel Institute, Cambridge University, UK.



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