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Ivanka Trump: President Donald Trump’s eldest daughter and senior adviser is now a Republican

Ivanka Trump / Facebook

Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner are now officially Republicans. The senior White House advisors changed their voter registration so they could vote for Donald Trump in the upcoming primary.

“I am a proud Trump Republican,” Ivanka Trump told The Times. “I believe he's broadened the reach of the Republican Party, which is really important to me.”

Ivanka Trump and Jared Kusher were registered Democrats for years, according to Business Insider. They donated to Democratic politicians in New York, their home state.

As Democrats, Jared, Ivanka and her brother Eric Trump were not able to vote in the 2016 primary election. They were not able to register as Republicans by the time the October 2015 deadline arrived.

Ivanka Trump hinted on the reason why she decided to switch parties by saying that she tends to “agree more with the more conservative viewpoint more often than where the Democrats are today,” Newsweek reported. “The senior White House adviser also added that “no one person or party has a monopoly on good ideas.”

Jared Kushner, Ivanka’s husband, likewise confirmed his Republican status last December. “I was not a Republican,” Kushner said. “Now I'm a Republican. I think the Republican Party is growing now that people like me feel comfortable being part of it.”

The chair of the party’ Manhattan welcomed both White House senior advisors into the fold. “I am thrilled to welcome Ivanka and Jared into our vibrant Manhattan Republican Party,” the Manhattan Republican Party Chair Andrea Catsimatidis told Newsweek.

“I am a huge fan of our great President and having two more of his family members in our party will energize our base even more as we continue to grow our party in Manhattan,” Catsimatidis added.

Ivanka Trump has now immersed herself in Donald Trump’s reelection campaign. She told the Times of her “pretty record-shattering” fundraising efforts where she was able to raise $2 million in just 45 minutes in a Houston event last November.

“Of all the new jobs added [last year], 72 percent of them went to women,” Ivanka Trump touted the accomplishments made under Donald Trump’s administration at a recent CPAC appearance. “Average wages increased by [3.1] percent for women in this administration versus a little under 2 percent at the expansion period of the previous administration. So women are winning.”

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