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Michelle Obama Leads Donald Trump by Double Digits in Hypothetical 2024 Race; Joe Biden's Future in Question

Poll shows Michelle Obama ahead of Trump by 11 percentage points.

A recent poll has determined that Michelle Obama would emerge victorious in a hypothetical 2024 presidential election against Donald Trump, although all other probable candidates to replace Joe Biden would be unsuccessful.

According to the Reuters/Ipsos poll conducted after the June 27 debate between Biden and Trump, Obama would defeat the former President by 11 percentage points in a hypothetical scenario.

The study found that half of the registered voters indicated that they would vote for Obama if the election were to take place now. A mere 39% of the 892 participants indicated their intention to vote for Trump.

The poll revealed that Vice President Kamala Harris, California Governor Gavin Newsom, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear, and Illinois Governor J. B. Pritzker were all unable to surpass Trump in hypothetical matchups.

The recent poll results were significantly different from the March polls, which indicated that Obama would not be able to defeat Trump if she were the Democratic nominee.

Based on a study conducted by Partners, 47% of the 1,000 likely voters surveyed expressed their intention to vote for Trump, while 44% indicated their preference for Obama in a hypothetical scenario.

Although she is gaining a reputation as a potential successor to Biden, Obama has always stated that she will never seek the presidency.

Following Biden's unsteady debate performance against Trump last week, there has been an increasing demand within the Democratic Party to replace him.

According to a recent poll conducted by The New York Times and Siena College, following the debate, Trump now leads Biden among likely voters by a margin of 49% to 43%.

According to TMZ, a high-ranking individual in the Biden campaign, whose identity remains undisclosed, believes that the 81-year-old will resign soon.

"The official expressed pessimism about the possibility of the polls improving," the site reported.

According to Business Times, the campaign official believes Harris is the most probable contender to replace Biden if he withdraws from the race.

Nevertheless, Biden asserted during a conference call with his staff on Wednesday that he is not withdrawing from the race, according to an unidentified source reported by Deadline.

"Let me say this as clearly as I possibly can as simply and straightforward as I can: I am running. I'm not leaving. I'm in this race to the end and we're going to win,” Biden reportedly said.

Karine Jean-Pierre, the White House Press Secretary, recently informed reporters that Biden is continuing his candidacy.

Photo: Gage Skidmore/Flickr/CC BY-SA 2.0

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