PhD Student, Information, University of Toronto
M.A. Medieval Studies, M.I. Archives and Records Management and Information Systems and Design.
Current PhD student in Information Studies (Critical Indigenous Studies, Queer Studies, and Archival Theory).
I am a queer, Michif scholar whose research interrogates how to ethically build Indigenous and queer data into Digital Humanities projects (virtual exhibits/maps). I interrogate queering and Indigenizing data management and data mobilization through archival activities such as counter-archiving, radical recordkeeping, and community information infrastructures. I want to take traditional archival approaches to acquisition and preservation and building community into the continuum of traditional archival space. These approaches emphasize the living cultural and community responsibilities that archivists have to actively address archival inequalities and to curate and deliver information in an ethical and meaningful way for said community that adheres to OCAP principles (
Member of the Ontario Library Association's Indigenous Advisory Council
Volunteer at the LGBTQ2+ ArQuives
Associated with Old Books New Science - medieval studies lab
Associated with the Technoscience Research Unit
Aug 16, 2023 09:13 am UTC| Technology
As reported on Aug. 6, Zoom recently attempted to rewrite its Terms of Service with ambiguous language that would permit the extraction of user data for the purpose of training AI. However, after public pushback, Zoom...
Leonardo da Vinci’s incredible studies of human anatomy still don’t get the recognition they deserve
South African telescope discovers a giant galaxy that’s 32 times bigger than Earth’s