Leighton is Professor of Economics and Finance. He is Head of Economics Research and Director of the Betting Research Unit and Political Forecasting Unit at Nottingham Business School. Leighton's main teaching is in the area of money, risk, forecasting, efficiency of markets and financial economics.
The madness of crowds, polls and experts confirmed by Trump victory
Nov 09, 2016 19:09 pm UTC| Insights & Views Politics
Since records began in 1868, no clear favourite for the White House has lost, except in the case of the 1948 election, when 8 to 1 longshot Harry Truman defeated his Republican rival, Thomas Dewey. We can now add 2016...
As US primaries rumble on, betting markets declare the Sanders campaign all but dead
Apr 25, 2016 23:37 pm UTC| Insights & Views Politics
The race for the Democratic nomination is in the home stretch and victory is in sight, declared Hillary Clinton in the victory speech heralding her resounding New York primary triumph over Bernie Sanders. If anything,...
How the wisdom of crowds could solve the mystery of Shakespeare's 'lost plays'
Apr 14, 2016 15:33 pm UTC| Insights & Views Economy
Are the many wiser than the few? Are the masses cleverer than the expert? This is a question which has in recent years attracted an explosion of interest, perhaps most famously popularised by James Surowieckis 2004 book,...
Leonardo da Vinci’s incredible studies of human anatomy still don’t get the recognition they deserve
South African telescope discovers a giant galaxy that’s 32 times bigger than Earth’s