Associate Professor of Management, University of Massachusetts Boston
Stephan Manning is Associate Professor of Management and co-founder of the Organizations and Social Change Research Group at the College of Management, University of Massachusetts Boston. His research mainly covers three areas: sustainability standards, global outsourcing, and project-based organizing. He has done field research in various countries, including China, Germany, Guatemala, Kenya, Romania, South Africa and the United States. His research has been published in numerous top-tier academic journals. He teaches international business and strategy at the undergraduate, master and PhD level. He has specific industry expertise in automotive engineering, coffee production, global business services, and film-making. He is also founding co-editor and author of the Organizations and Social Change Blog, and has written for The Conversation, The Broker and other platforms.
We're failing to solve the world's 'wicked problems.' Here's a better approach
Oct 04, 2016 08:28 am UTC| Insights & Views
We live in a world burdened by large-scale problems that refuse to go away: the refugee crisis; terrorism; rising sea levels; frequent floods, droughts and wildfires; not to mention persistent inequality and violation of...
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