Thomas Kochan is currently Professor of Management, MIT Sloan School of Management and teaches and studies Work and Employment Relations at the MIT Sloan School of Management. For the past 40 years I have applied my research by working intensively with leaders in business, labor, and government to update labor and employment policies and practices to catch up with changes in the workforce and the economy. I just published Shaping the Future of Work (Business Educators Press, 2016) that focuses on what workers, employers, government, and educators can do to meet the needs and aspirations of the "Next Generation" workforce.
I also teach a MIT "MOOC" on line course that addresses these issues. Information about the course can be found at:
Here's how workers would spend the corporate tax cut – if they had a voice
Jan 30, 2018 12:09 pm UTC| Insights & Views Economy
Over 200 CEOs have said they will raise wages or give bonuses as a result of the large corporate income tax cut passed late last year by Congress. Some view their plans as simply a public relations move, others as a...
Election rage shows why America needs a new social contract to ensure the economy works for all
Nov 17, 2016 23:29 pm UTC| Insights & Views Politics
The recent U.S. election exposed two major intersecting fault lines in America that, if left unchecked, could soon produce an era of social and economic upheaval unlike any in our history. First, it revealed deep...
It's time we reinvented labor for the 21st century
Sep 03, 2016 10:01 am UTC| Insights & Views Politics
On Labor Day, politicians have traditionally paid lip service to the plight of the worker, whom the national holiday is meant to honor. With working-class struggles taking center stage in this years election, we will...
How to transform workers' campaign rage into better jobs and wages
Mar 25, 2016 02:12 am UTC| Insights & Views Law
The presidential campaigns deserve some credit for finally voicing some of the deep frustrations and anger felt by American workers who have lived for decades in an economy that works for those at the top but not for them...
How do we ensure the next generation of workers isn't worse off than the last?
Jan 14, 2016 04:09 am UTC| Insights & Views Politics
Discussions about the future of work are clearly in the air. This week, Secretary of Labor Tom Perez is convening a three-day symposium on the issue. Simultaneously, the Brookings Institution hosted a discussion about...
Attack on unions shows why we need a new social contract governing work
Jan 14, 2016 04:06 am UTC| Politics
The U.S. Supreme Court heard a case this week that may deal a significant blow to labor unions and shows why its vital, to my mind, to come up with a new social contract governing work. The case involves ten California...
Outlook for 2016: middle-class woes, hopeful on wages, the fear factor
Jan 04, 2016 13:35 pm UTC| Insights & Views Economy
Editors note: We asked a few of our regular writers to weigh in on what will (or should) be the key economic themes and issues of 2016 or offer their predictions. Topping the list are the worsening plight of the middle...
Leonardo da Vinci’s incredible studies of human anatomy still don’t get the recognition they deserve
South African telescope discovers a giant galaxy that’s 32 times bigger than Earth’s