Look up! Your guide to some of the best meteor showers for 2017
Jan 02, 2017 11:23 am UTC| Science
After a disappointing 2016, when most of the annual major meteor showers were washed out by moonlight, 2017 looks far more promising. Of the big three, the Quadrantids in January and Geminids in December are both...
What would the ancient astrologers have told us about 2017?
Dec 31, 2016 16:17 pm UTC| Science
Apparently 2017 will be my year indeed, it is a good year for everyone born between November 22 and December 21 under the sign of Sagittarius half man, half horse, all myth. Modern astrology as we know it in the form...
The biggest mistake in the history of science
Dec 30, 2016 07:05 am UTC| Science
Science is one of the most remarkable inventions of humankind. It has been a source of inspiration and understanding, lifted the veil of ignorance and superstition, been a catalyst for social change and economic growth,...
2016: the year in space and astronomy
Dec 28, 2016 15:36 pm UTC| Science
The achievements of astrophysicists this year were as groundbreaking as they were varied. From reuniting a lander with a mothership on a comet, to seeing the most extreme cosmic events with gravitational waves, 2016 was...
Scientists Want To Revive Extinct Species Via Gene Editing To Save Humanity
Dec 27, 2016 06:35 am UTC| Science
Reviving an extinct species or a whole batch of them is not a foreign concept to humans. Films like Jurassic Park and Splice have showcased what it would be like to completely resurrect dead organisms or create an entirely...
New Gene Therapy Method Could End Incurable Diseases
Dec 27, 2016 06:35 am UTC| Science
The scientific community has been trying cure diseases for a long time and for the most part, it has been successful. Previously devastating epidemics have been largely wiped out or contained such as smallpox, and others...
Scientists To Spend $1M To Chat With Aliens
Dec 27, 2016 06:34 am UTC| Science
Scientists have been aiming sensors and giant microphones at space hoping to catch some sort of signal that would signify the existence of extraterrestrial beings for years. Its basically a decades-long version of waiting...