How Wikipedia's silent coup ousted our traditional sources of knowledge
Jan 16, 2016 10:32 am UTC| Technology
As Wikipedia turns 15, volunteer editors worldwide will be celebrating with themed cakes and edit-a-thons aimed at filling holes in poorly covered topics. Its remarkable that a user-editable encyclopedia project that...
Even if Netflix is serious about blocking VPNs, it is unlikely to succeed
Jan 16, 2016 09:55 am UTC| Technology
Netflix has sent the world into a frenzy of anxiety by announcing through their blog that they will be trying to restrict users to only viewing content licensed to the country where they are physically located. This...
'Once' Dating App Uses your Heart-rate to Find your Match
Jan 16, 2016 08:18 am UTC| Technology
Once dating app uses your heart-rate to find your match Ever felt like your heart skipped a beat when you meet someone youre attracted to? That adrenaline rush or sudden change of heartbeat is utilized by an app...
Schools must get the basics right before splashing out on technology
Jan 15, 2016 09:03 am UTC| Technology
For years, schools and education experts have debated whether technology belongs in the classroom. Now the discussion has shifted and even schools that had thus far resisted the educational tech revolution are being swept...
Twitter, terror and liability: who gets to pay?
Jan 15, 2016 08:57 am UTC| Law Technology
If ISIS and its supporters use Twitter to facilitate terrorist action or merely spread propaganda, is the social network liable? A lawsuit against Twitter in the United States in which a family is seeking compensation...
When it comes to Internet security and privacy, the public remains confused
Jan 14, 2016 13:50 pm UTC| Technology
The UK government is proposing to follow Australia with the introduction of their version of data retention legislation called the Investigatory Powers bill. This will require Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to maintain...
Nokia celebrates first day of combined operations with Alcatel-Lucent
Jan 14, 2016 07:08 am UTC| Business Technology
Nokia and Alcatel-Lucent today celebrate their first day of combined operations, marking the completion of Nokias latest transformation and the creation of a global leader in technology and services for an IP connected...
Leonardo da Vinci’s incredible studies of human anatomy still don’t get the recognition they deserve
South African telescope discovers a giant galaxy that’s 32 times bigger than Earth’s