The saga revolving around the true identity of Satoshi Nakamoto got a new twist on Thursday, with an email sent from, saying:
"I am not Craig Wright. We are all Satoshi."
The said email-id is widely attributed to Satoshi, however, the message is not verified as it is unclear if the email address was hacked. Satoshi's email was allegedly hacked last September, CoinDesk reported.
Several media sources recently provided string of emails that suggested that Craig Steven Wright, a 44-year-old Australian, could be the person behind bitcoins.
Wired magazine said that it has obtained strong evidence (leaked emails, documents and web archives) that suggest that Wright and his close friend and confidant David Kleiman who died in 2013, could be the people behind Satoshi Nakamoto’s mask.
According to a leaked email, Wright wrote to Kleiman, “People love my secret identity and hate me. I have hundreds of papers. Satoshi has one. Nothing, just one bloody paper and I [can’t] associate myself with ME!”
Gizmodo provides another email from Wright to Kleiman in which he wrote, “I cannot do the Satoshi bit anymore. They longer listen. I am better as a myth…I hate this Dave, my pseudonym is more popular than I can ever hope to be”.
A PDF file has also been obtained by Gizmodo that appears to be an unfinished draft of a legal contract between Wright and Kleiman. Part of it reads:
“I, Dave Kleiman have received 1,100,111 Bitcoin from Craig Wright (of 51 Cowangarra Rd, Bagnoo, NSW Australia). At the time of transfer this is valued at around $100,000 USD.
I will form a trust to be managed by at least three people but not more than seven at any time.
All Bitcoin will be returned to Dr Wright on Jan 01st 2020.”
These documents leave very less to the imagination. While there are people who couldn’t care less about Satoshi Nakamoto, BTC/USD jumped from 388.33 levels to 418.87 levels on the day when the news broke, 8 December. It currently trades at 423.00 levels (at the time of writing).