“Black Clover” episode 56 continues with the arc focused on Fanzell Kruger. The former Diamond Kingdom commander continues his search for his wife, Dominante Code. Meanwhile, Asta meets Mariella and will convince her to do the right thing.
In the previous episode, Mariella literally stabbed Fanzell in the back per the orders of the Diamond Kingdom rulers to bring him back. While Fanzell survived the attack, he barely had reason to continue living with Domina gone. Luckily, things are changing for the better in “Black Clover” episode 56.
A fan shared preview images on Reddit and confirmed that Domina will be back for good in “Black Clover” episode 56. The next anime installment will also include “at least two time skips,” according to the same post. Fans can expect to revisit the time Asta officially joined the Black Bulls then back to the present where he meets Mariella.
In a flashback last week, Fanzell was impressed with Asta during their sword-fighting training and named him his second best student. It is safe to assume that the top spot is reserved to Mariella. And in “Black Clover” episode 56, Mariella and Asta are bound to meet.
Mariella is an assassin and one of the hundreds of warriors Fanzell trained for the Diamond Kingdom. Fanzell and Domina got tired of the senseless killings that they were ordered to do in the Diamond Kingdom, which was why they left. Since then, Mariella has been in charge of the search party with the main goal of bringing back the couple to the Diamond Kingdom. However, her encounter with Asta is going to change her principles in “Black Clover” episode 56.
Meanwhile, fans can also catch a glimpse of Noelle and Finral in the “Black Clover” episode 56 preview as Fanzell says in the background, “Don’t let it bother you that I’m naked.” This is a reference to the first time the Black Bulls arrive at Fanzell and Domina’s house to look for the cure for Asta’s arms and Fanzell greets them naked.
“Black Clover” episode 56 is expected to become available on Oct. 31. Meanwhile, fans believe that the producers will go back to using manga materials for the next episodes.