The anime adaptation of “Black Clover” has opened the year 2020 on a very strong note, thanks to the appearance of Devil. It was followed by major revelations about what happened in the past centuries between the humans and the elves. In the end, it is resolved that Devil is the main villain here and that the humans and elves will have to work together to defeat him. That ultimate goal will finally be achieved “Black Clover” episode 119, mainly through the main protagonist, Asta.
‘Black Clover’ episode 119 spoilers: How the Magic Knights are going to defeat Devil
Devil has unleashed his creature coming into “Black Clover” episode 119, and it is equally capable of posing a threat to the Magic Knights and elves trying to defeat the primary enemy. The one good thing at this point is that Asta and Yuno have finally deduced how to defeat Devil – through a fatal blow exactly aimed at its heart.
However, that does not change the fact the Devil is highly capable of throwing magic spells to Asta and Yuno’s way on top of having his creature attack the Magic Knights as well. But the exciting part of “Black Clover” episode 119 is that some of the most powerful characters ever introduced in the series are working together to save each other and kill Devil.
Lemiel and Licht’s reunion will be immediately followed by their efforts to defeat Devil and its creature. However, the First Magic Emperor will later realize that Asta and Yuno’s faith in each other is enough to trust them that they can handle fighting Devil on their own. Lemiel is right, but this battle will not be easy for Asta and Yuno in “Black Clover” episode 119.
Defeating the devil will push Asta to his limit. Luckily, Yami successfully attacks the Devil with perfect timing allowing Secre to seal the damages in Asta’s body. She then reminds Asta of his dream to become the next Wizard King, which motivates Asta enough to summon his Black Divider spell and cut Devil’s heart with it.
‘Black Clover’ episode 119 release date
“Black Clover” episode 119 is no doubt the climax of the Reincarnation Arc, which means it will end shortly after the defeat of Devil. The episode is fittingly titled “The Final Attack” and could be released on Jan. 28 if the producers will not opt to have a brief hiatus considering it is a huge installment.