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Donald Trump Drops Bombshell: ‘Tim Cook Told Me About Apple’s Billions in EU Fines — I Won’t Let Them Get Away with It’

Donald Trump discusses Apple CEO Tim Cook’s concerns about EU fines during his appearance on the PBD Podcast. Credit: Wikimedia Commons

During a recent appearance on the PBD Podcast, former President Donald Trump revealed a candid conversation he had with Apple CEO Tim Cook regarding the tech giant's multi-billion-dollar fines imposed by the European Union. In the interview, Trump claimed that Cook reached out to him personally to discuss the penalties Apple has faced in Europe, and Trump made it clear that, if reelected, he plans to stand firm against the EU’s treatment of U.S. companies.

Trump Vows to Defend U.S. Companies

In his appearance on the popular podcast hosted by entrepreneur Patrick Bet-David, Trump didn’t hold back on his views about the European Union’s actions toward American businesses. He described his conversation with Tim Cook as a wake-up call to the challenges U.S. companies face abroad.

"Tim Cook called me, and he was really upset," Trump said, referring to the European Union’s heavy-handed fines on Apple, which have reached billions of dollars in recent years. "They’re taking advantage of our companies like Apple, and it’s not fair. We won’t let them get away with it."

The EU has imposed numerous fines on Apple, citing competition violations and tax avoidance schemes. The tech giant has been embroiled in a long-running legal battle in European courts, with Cook himself criticizing the penalties as unjust and harmful to innovation.

A Promise to ‘Level the Playing Field’

Trump went on to stress that if he wins reelection in 2024, he will take a tougher stance to protect U.S. companies from what he described as exploitation by foreign governments and entities.

"We need to stand up for our businesses," Trump continued. "I’m not going to let the European Union, or any other country, take advantage of American companies like they have with Apple. It’s just not right."

Trump’s remarks suggest a potential shift in U.S. foreign trade and business policy if he returns to the White House. While the U.S. has long been a partner with Europe on economic issues, Trump’s presidency was marked by a more protectionist approach, and these latest comments indicate he’s ready to return to that stance.

Controversial Take on International Relations

While Trump’s declaration has already stirred debate among supporters and critics alike, some view his statements as a continuation of his America-first policy, where U.S. companies should be shielded from perceived unfair treatment abroad. However, critics argue that such a hardline approach could further strain international relations and trade partnerships.

European officials have defended their actions, stating that large tech firms like Apple must follow the rules and pay their fair share in taxes. Still, Trump’s comments may resonate with those who feel U.S. companies are being unduly targeted by foreign governments.

A Closer Relationship with Apple?

Trump’s revelation of his direct communication with Tim Cook also highlights the close relationship between the former president and major corporate leaders. Although it’s not unusual for politicians to have discussions with top CEOs, Trump’s willingness to speak publicly about these conversations sets him apart from other political figures.

Whether or not his promise to intervene on behalf of U.S. businesses will affect Apple or other tech giants remains to be seen. However, Trump's comments on the PBD Podcast have certainly sparked a new conversation about how the U.S. should respond to the challenges its companies face in international markets.

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