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Life Surge Leadership’s Insights Into Living Your Faith in Modern Business

The leaders behind the Christian-led movement Life Surge understand that many Americans are facing trying times thanks to escalating inflation and other daily challenges. That’s why its powerful in-person events, which combine well-known Christian speakers, faith-fueled music, and networking, are gaining popularity from Florida to California.

Everyone from Duck Dynasty’s Willie Robertson to Tim Tebow to supermodel Kathy Ireland to evangelist Priscilla Shirer has spoken at Life Surge’s sold-out events. And the list doesn’t end there. Its impressive lineup of speakers is dozens of names long and growing.

Joe Johnson, Life Surge’s founder, aims to help people unlock the gifts God gave them to share with others and build successful lives and communities, in keeping with the biblical verse, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the father of light.”

“We, as the leadership of Life Surge, want to be authentic to who we are,” Johnson says.

A big part of Life Surge's work is helping its movement's followers develop a stronger growth mindset.

“As Christians, we must remember that we are called to serve him in all that we do; in our home life, our activities, and our careers,” explains the Life Surge e-book Seven Steps to Creating Kingdom Impact. “Purpose goes beyond personal fulfillment.”

Life Surge’s Empowering Events

Through its in-person one-day conferences that empower attendees in cities across America, Life Surge is uniting like-minded Christian professionals from various industries to create a supportive environment to network and exchange ideas on how to live out their faith while in the marketplace. Johnson acknowledges that the concept of expanding finances isn’t typically discussed in faith-based settings and he hopes to change that.

“I'd say one of the practical problems that has come about and sort of the void that we're filling is because a lot of church leaders have been silent on the subject of wealth creation. It creates a vacuum and a void,” Johnson shares. “So the church goes to other people to get practical instructions on how to create more resources.”

“When there is a void in practical teachings on how to generate more resources, I would say they're going to the wrong people because the people that they're learning from are more focused.”

Johnson adds that these individuals might be focusing on acquiring more material wealth such as larger homes and bigger, better cars. “And that's fine, but we are really focused on kingdom impact,” Johnson emphasizes. “We're trying to mobilize the Christian community to really not be afraid of this issue of being a faithful resource creator and multiplier and being a good steward with that, but using it for the purposes that God has called them to use it for.”

Life Surge: Merging Faith With Finance

How does Life Surge merge faith with finance? It uses worship, wisdom, work, and wealth to introduce individuals to the resources and strategies they need to make a difference in the world while not compromising their Christian beliefs.

“We believe God has called us on a mission to lead a global movement of people who surge their lives God's way,” Johnson said. “Life Surge brings together leading voices in faith and finance to inspire, equip, and transform our attendees.”

While there are many secular business and financial gurus peddling financial advice, Johnson and the Life Surge team believe approaching economics from a Christian standpoint can make all the difference.

“There are groups of people out there that are more on the starter side of things,” says Jeremy Nosek, Life Surge’s chief strategy officer. “How to save money, how to get out of debt, how to do that kind of thing. And in the secular world, you'll have financial advisers like Suze Orman that kind of own that space.

“And in the faith-based world, you have a Dave Ramsey that does something similar and then brings a faith element to it. Then there's the beyond that when you're kind of at that stage of life that you've done some of those things, and now it's really about how to invest resources for multiplication, real estate trading, starting businesses, et cetera.”

Nosek stresses that in the Christian realm of the business world, Life Surge is meeting a specialized need.

“In the faith world, there isn't really anybody that fills that void, and that's really where Life Surge kind of sits from a strategic positioning perspective,” Nosek explains.

By illuminating a path for Life Surgers to identify their own passions and strengths and take action in the business world by using their God-driven purpose, the Christian organization is urging followers to put faith over fear every step of the way.

“Be who you are, who God created you to be, and don't be afraid,” Johnson says. “Don't be afraid of the backlash.”

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