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Nintendo Switch 2 Could Get Final Fantasy XIV; Xenogears HD-2D Fan Remake Impresses in New Video

Xenogears HD-2D fan remake amazes as Final Fantasy XIV's Switch 2 release remains uncertain.

Final Fantasy XIV may eventually arrive on the Nintendo Switch 2, but the release could take years. Meanwhile, a stunning Xenogears HD-2D fan remake in Unreal Engine 5 has captivated fans.

Final Fantasy XIV Producer Discusses Challenges of Bringing MMORPG to Nintendo Switch 2 Platform

Wccftech reported that Naoki Yoshida, the producer of Final Fantasy XIV, was recently interviewed by Easy Allies regarding the potential release of the MMORPG on the upcoming Nintendo console. Yoshida, often referred to as Yoshi-P, has been striving for over a decade to ensure that the game is accessible to the maximum number of participants, irrespective of the platform.

To this end, the development team is eager to have the game available on a Nintendo platform; however, it may require some time for this to occur. Naoki Yoshida emphasized that the Xbox Series X|S version was developed years after the game was first discussed with Microsoft. Consequently, it is unreasonable to anticipate that Final Fantasy XIV will be available near the Nintendo Switch 2 launch.

Third-party support for the forthcoming Nintendo console is anticipated to be substantial during its initial years. According to Jacob Stutton, the co-founder of Infuse Studio, developers are already required to consider the Xbox Series S, so they will not encounter any difficulties in supporting the system.

Nevertheless, the situation may transform following the release of the next-generation consoles. The Nintendo Switch 2's specifications will be significantly lower, and developers may be required to make some concessions to ensure their games are compatible with the system.

The Nintendo Switch 2 has not been officially disclosed. However, additional details about it are anticipated to be disclosed within the next few months

Fans Recreate Xenogears in HD-2D with Unreal Engine 5 as Square Enix Shows No Interest in Official Remake

Square Enix is not interested in releasing Xenogears to contemporary platforms despite being one of the most popular JRPGs ever released on the original PlayStation. Consequently, fans are left to recreate the game using today's technologies.

Vitor Maccari, a 3D artist, is currently developing a remake of the classic JRPG using the HD-2D style that was popularized by Octopath Traveler and further developed by Star Ocean: The Second Story R last year, which is powered by Unreal Engine 5. Using Unreal Engine 5, Maya, Zbrush, Houdini, Substance Painter, Megascan Textures, and SpeedTree, the artist was able to create an extraordinary recreation of the village of Lahan, which has only served to increase the desire for a comprehensive remake.

Although an official remake or remaster is not imminent, there are still methods to enjoy Xenogears with enhanced visuals. This is possible through an unofficial HD remaster that reworks the game's interface, sprites, and more than 9000 textures.

Xenogears was initially intended to be a component of a more extensive series; however, the project was ultimately unsuccessful due to Tetsuya Takahashi's departure from Square Enix, known as Squaresoft, to establish Monolith. Monolith subsequently developed the Xenosaga series, which delves into comparable themes, and the Xenoblade Chronicles franchise. Following the release of the Future Redeemed expansion last year, the third installment in the Xenoblade Chronicles series was released in 2022.

Photo: Microsoft Bing

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