A few weeks after, Sony launched the all-new PlayStation Plus. The company seemed to have implemented a 7-day free trial offer for new users. However, the promo appears to be exclusively available for gamers in the United Kingdom.
The UK website of PS Plus, as first spotted by Eurogamer, gained some changes recently. New users will now find that the PS Plus Premium and Extra tiers are priced at £0.00 for anyone browsing the page without an existing PS Plus account.
Each subscription plan for PS Plus Premium and Extra also now has the message: “Start your 7-day trial” under the £0.00 price tag, indicating that new users can use these services for free for seven days before they are charged with the regular subscription cost. The free trial is not available if players choose to sign up for the PS Plus Essential plan.
From PlayStation.com
Sony also included a note that reads, “Subscription continues until cancelled.” This simply means new PS Plus users can cancel their free trial before it expires to avoid getting charged with the regular subscription prices. PS Plus Premium is available for £13.49/month, £39.99/quarter, and £99.99/year, while the PS Plus Extra costs £10.99/month, £31.99/quarter, and £83.99/year in the region.
It appears, for now, that the 7-day trial is only being offered to new PS Plus users in the U.K. It is unclear if this is just a test, which would mean Sony could extend the promo to gamers in other regions.
Sony revamped its game subscription services by merging features of the old PS Plus and PS Now into the all-new PS Plus. The Essential tier offers the most basic features similar to the original PS Plus. With the Extra tier, members will be able to download more games from its exclusive library and Ubisoft+ Classics catalog. The PS Plus Premium, meanwhile, is the only tier that offers game streaming and limited-time game trials.
PS Plus Extra and Premium subscribers got new downloadable titles in the game catalog for this month, including “Final Fantasy 7 Remake: Intergrade,” the cat adventure “Stray,” and “Marvel’s Avengers.” Starting Tuesday, July 19, members will also gain access to several “Assassin’s Creed” installments and “Saints Row” titles.
Photo by Triyansh Gill on Unsplash