The Polaris Dawn crew returned safely to Earth after a groundbreaking five-day mission, advancing SpaceX's long-term goal of Mars colonization. Led by billionaire Jared Isaacman, the mission featured the first commercial spacewalk and tested critical technologies for future deep-space exploration.
Polaris Dawn Crew Completes Historic Mission, Advancing SpaceX's Mars Goals and Supporting Cancer Research
In a recent report by Business Insider, the Polaris Dawn crew of SpaceX successfully returned to Earth on September 15, a significant milestone in pursuing Elon Musk's objective of establishing a permanent human presence on Mars. During the five-day mission, the crew traveled the furthest since the Apollo missions, which resulted in numerous historic milestones. Two female astronauts established the record for the longest distance traversed by a woman in space.
The mission also evaluated critical SpaceX technologies, such as newly designed spacesuits, the first-ever commercial spacewalk, and exposure to elevated levels of space radiation. These developments are essential for the future exploration of Mars. The crew's spacecraft, Crew Dragon, successfully splashed down in the Gulf of Mexico near Florida after reentering Earth's atmosphere, enduring superheated plasma.
The Polaris Dawn mission, funded and commanded by billionaire Jared Isaacman, was not just about space exploration. It was also a noble endeavor to raise funds for pediatric cancer research at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. This dual purpose of the mission is truly inspiring. Isaacman plans to conduct two more Polaris missions, with the third mission expected to utilize SpaceX's Starship, a substantial rocket currently in development for colonizing Mars.
Polaris Dawn Crew Tests SpaceX Suits and Starlink Technology, Paving the Way for Mars Exploration
The spacewalk, a critical mission component, showcased the crew's bravery. Billionaire Jared Isaacman and SpaceX engineer Sarah Gillis ventured out of the spacecraft in their new extravehicular suits to evaluate the suits' functionality and mobility. These suits are designed for future missions requiring astronauts to perform repairs and maintenance on Mars and in space.
The crew also conducted communication tests using SpaceX's Starlink satellite internet, publishing updates via laser-based communication throughout the mission. This technology establishes the foundation for future deep-space missions, such as those to the moon and Mars.
The crew also studied the effects of high radiation levels by flying through Earth's Van Allen radiation belts, which presents a substantial challenge for future astronauts destined for Mars. The objective of the medical experiments conducted during the mission was to assist SpaceX in gaining a more comprehensive understanding of the physical effects of long-duration spaceflight. These experiments focused on the crew's eyes, veins, and airways.
Isaacman, a staunch advocate for human space exploration, envisions a future where his descendants witness humans walking on the moon and Mars. With the successful Polaris Dawn mission, SpaceX continues to push the boundaries of commercial spaceflight, enabling missions that transcend Earth. The crew's dedication to this vision is truly commendable.