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Cybertruck Cuts $65 Daily in Fuel Towing Trailer; Contractor Projects $17K Annual Savings

Cybertruck saves $65 daily on fuel while towing, adding up to $17,000 annually. Credit: Dan Burke/X

By switching to a Tesla Cybertruck to tow his construction trailer, a Missouri contractor is saving $65 per day on fuel. His projected savings for the year could exceed $17,000, boosting his business efficiency.

Cybertruck Saves Contractor $65 a Day on Fuel

People are happy to spread the word about how popular Tesla Cybertrucks are for all kinds of driving demands, thanks to their eco-friendly and cost-effective features.

Using his Cybertruck to pull his construction trailer is saving Missouri contractor Dan Burke $65 per day on fuel costs, according to social media posts by Burke.

On X (now called Twitter), he wrote:

Dodge Ram Struggles with Fuel Consumption

The owner of White Wolf Construction & Home Inspection clarified that his Dodge Ram had performance modifications "which is great for power but sucks down fuel" and was only achieving nine miles per gallon, which led Teslarati to write that some were skeptical of Burke's assertions.

Burke did some math to figure out how much it costs to drive on and off-road on a normal work day: "160 miles /9mpg x 3.95 = $70. If I charge at my house, off-peak it's 4.5 cents a kWh. 100 kWh back to the battery at 4.5 cents and that's about $65 a day in savings."

$17,000 Annual Savings

According to Teslarati's calculations, he might expect to save over $17,000 per year.

As a business owner, Burke stands to gain financially from reduced fuel expenses, which he may eventually be able to pass on to his customers.

Public Amazed by Cybertruck’s Efficiency

The commenters were astounded at Burke's thriftiness.

"That's dudes Cybertruck payment, paid for…. In FUEL SAVINGS. EV trucks are a no brainer for 95% of the truck population," someone remarked in a repost.

"Love seeing how people are using their Cybertruck to save money. As a bonus it's also fun to drive when not being used for work," stated another individual.

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