“Super Dragon Ball Heroes” season 3 episode 6 is up next. This is the “Big Bang Mission” arc’s sixth story and it has revealed a returning villain called Janemba. However, this is an upgraded version of the original as Dr. W previously infused him with the combined powers of Saiyan Goku and Vegeta.
Episode recap
In the fifth episode of “Super Dragon Ball Heroes” season 3, Janemba emerged after Dr. W fixed him to become more powerful. The mysterious Dr. W tricked Goku and Vegeta into releasing their powers while in their Super Saiyan form and he collected these to be transferred to Janemba.
The new villain finally turned up and faced Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta in hell. The two warriors tried their best to subdue and put down Janemba but everything they do has no effect on their opponent because he can easily deflect their attacks.
Some of the Z fighters showed up as Goku and Vegeta were having difficulties containing Janemba. The warriors were also puzzled because they have no idea where they are and how they were transported there, at a place where Vegeta and Goku are fighting Janemba but they understood that they have to help.
However, even with their combined powers, Janemba still proved to be too strong. Suddenly, two fighters showed up from the sky and Vegeta identified them as Majin Salsa and Putine. The newly-arrived allies immediately launched a blast that froze Janemba’s legs and he was stuck to the ground.
Spoilers - synopsis and episode title
Now, the next story which is “Super Dragon Ball Heroes” season 3 episode 6 was revealed to have been titled "Dragon Fist Explodes! Super Full Power Saiyan 4: Limit Breaker!" Apparently, the title suggests that Goku and Vegeta will fight the villain in their Super Saiyan 4 form and will go all-out.
As per DBSHype, the synopsis of “Super Dragon Ball Heroes” season 3 episode 6 reads: "During the unfolding fight with Janemba, suddenly Majin Salsa and Putine from the Dark Demon Realm appear!”
Furthermore, “Following their advice, Goku and the others, should leave their power to Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta. From both bodies of two Xeno warriors spreads a red light. These two got an aura showing a different color as before..Can they bring the fight with the strong opponent Janemba to an end?”
Release date
Fans may be a bit disappointed because “Super Dragon Ball Heroes” season 3 episode 6 will not be arriving next week. Rather, it was reported to be released on Aug. 27.