Telegram has just announced its latest update, version 8.3, earlier this month but it appears to be working on more features that users have been requesting for a while now. The latest in-development feature to leak online is a message reactions function that could go live in a future update.
Developers of messaging apps have created ways to make more fun expressions when exchanging messages. Message reactions designed based on popular emojis are not new and have been utilized by apps the iMessage and Facebook Messenger. While Telegram has yet to jump on the bandwagon, it appears to be currently working on a similar feature.
Telegram users might already have their first-ever look at the messaging app’s upcoming message reactions feature through a leak shared on Reddit. A 16-second video that originally came from the “Beta Info” channel on Telegram shows how the app’s message reactions could look once it goes live.
The Beta version of Telegram for iOS now supports reactions. There are 11 reactions available. In groups, you can see who gave what reaction. You can disable reactions in your channels and groups or allow only some of the emojis available. from Telegram
A reaction counter with emoji icons will appear below the message if the recipients reacted to it. Users might be able to interact with icons in the counter section. As seen in the leaked video, when they tap on an emoji the app displays different animations that occupy almost half of the screen. For example, if a user taps on the fire emoji reaction counter, that app shows a bigger image of a fire that smokes up and produces smaller fires in the middle of the screen.
According to the original post on Beta Info, Telegram plans on including 11 emoji reactions to the feature. But the video only shows the thumbs up, thumbs down, red heart, party hat, poop, fire, face vomiting, face with tears of joy, and loudly crying. The emoji reaction tray will reportedly appear when users double tap on a message. Sending reactions will not be anonymous in Telegram groups. But group admins and channel owners will have the option to disable the message reactions altogether.
The recent leak suggests the message reactions feature has already reached beta testing, which then hints at an imminent release. While the post indicates the feature was seen being tested on iOS, Telegram usually makes messaging features across different platforms. It is uncertain, though, if it will be supported on one-to-one chats.
Photo by Rubaitul Azad on Unsplash