“Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken” episode 19 is expected to feature the first anime series appearance of the Charybdis. And here are some of the interesting details about this next enemy.
Fans who have caught up with the latest episode of the anime series may recall that the protagonists mentioned the return of the Charybdis. It is a Calamity-class monster and appears like a deformed gigantic sea creature with only one huge eye. However, expect it to appear from the sky, not from water, in “Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken” episode 19.
Another interesting thing about the Charybdis is that it’s a spiritual being. This means it needs a physical body to act as its vessel to move around and wreak havoc. As will be explained in “Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken” episode 19, the Charybdis does not have any sense of logic and a consistent thirst for blood. Combine these two traits and grave danger surely awaits for its targets.
The Charybdis had been sealed by a hero to keep it from finding a host body. In “Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken” episode 19, the protagonists have feared that the seal that incapacitates the Charybdis is breaking and it is heading for Jura.
As mentioned, the Charybdis does not think about anything and just attacks whatever comes in its way. So, at first, it will be quite puzzling why the monster is heading straight to Jura as soon as it breaks free in “Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken” episode 19. But it will soon be explained that the Charybdis was practically formed when the magic of Veldora leaked and this is one probable reason why Jura is being targeted.
Though the Charybdis is classified in Calamity level, Rimuru thinks that it can actually cause damage as strong as a Disaster-class monster. Added to that, the protagonists are advised that any magical attack will not work against the Charybdis. “Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken” episode 19 will air on Feb. 12.