“Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Episode 23” will continue on Rimuru’s quest in trying to have superior spirits possess the five wards of Shizu. At the moment, the titular slime has managed to gain the trust and blessing of another Demon Lord named Ramiris.
Coincidentally, the hyper-energetic and fast-talking fairy also happen to be the Queen of Spirits. The previous release saw Ramiris guiding Rimuru and company towards the home of these creatures located in the deepest part of the labyrinth. In “Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Episode 23,” the children will try to summon these spirits with Rimuru and Ramiris overseeing the process.
And even though Ramiris said that it would be difficult to convince the magical beings to possess the five, the transaction will unfold with no complications. At least, for a short while. One of the most interesting things that fans should expect in “Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Episode 23” is Chloe and the spirit that appeared through her prayer.
Apparently, the being that Chloe will attract comes from a different time altogether – possibly the future if Ramiris’ statements are anything to go by. “Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Episode 23” will feature a brief tension upon the appearance of this mysterious creature but will be resolved quickly after she possesses Chloe.
Another intriguing event during this whole quest involves Kenya. While Gale and Alice took a while to attract a potential spirit, Kenya immediately draws the attention of a being coming in the elemental form of light. “Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Episode 23” will provide some background who this spirit is and her history with Ramiris.
After everyone’s been overseen, Rimuru will fulfill his bargain with Ramiris and give her a golem called Beretta. The Demon Lord, of course, will be ecstatic at this gift and declares she’ll be “working him to the bone.” As for the release date of “Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Episode 23,” it’s been scheduled to drop on March 11.