Senior Lecturer, Department: Politics, Philosophy and Religion, Lancaster University
My current preoccupation concerns interrogation of violence in the political process. There are three interrelated intellectual queries I am pursuing while using violence as the abiding theme. The first one examines the Politics of Sexual Violence in Armed Conflicts. The second one evaluates the Role of Violence in the Sacred. And the third one explores ways of Managing Violence in Post-Conflict Societies.
My other subsidiary research interests are: ethno-politics; conservative nationalism; religious radicalism; and peace-building in deeply divided societies.
Mexico: Sheinbaum faces uphill task to buck the trend and curtail spiralling violence
Jun 04, 2024 06:31 am UTC| Politics
Mexico has reached a political milestone. According to a quick count by the countrys electoral commission, Mexican voters have just elected their first female president. In a society that has long treated its women...
May 27, 2024 06:53 am UTC| Insights & Views
An advance team of Kenyan special forces police have arrived in the troubled Caribbean nation of Haiti. They are part of a larger UN-backed support mission tasked with establishing order, pushing back the advances of...
Latin America: several countries look to combat gang violence by fighting fire with fire
May 09, 2024 08:03 am UTC| Insights & Views Law
Gangs have an enduring presence in Latin America. They have existed as power brokers, illicit economic actors and spoilers in the developmental processes of several countries. And yet, despite their power and influence,...
Mexico’s slow slide towards vigilante violence
Apr 18, 2024 06:21 am UTC| Insights & Views Law Life
Mexico has witnessed two high-profile public lynchings within the space of two weeks. In late March, a woman suspected of murdering an eight-year-old girl in Taxco, Guerrero, was lynched by an angry mob. Then, on April 9,...
Sri Lanka riots: how the tiny Indian Ocean island nation got into such a mess
Jul 14, 2022 15:35 pm UTC| Politics
The chaos in Sri Lanka has deepened after the countrys president, Gotabaya Rajapaksa, fled to the Maldives. The president and his family left Colombo on a military jet just hours before he was due to resign in the face of...
South African telescope discovers a giant galaxy that’s 32 times bigger than Earth’s