Principal Lecturer Sport and Exercise Sciences, Anglia Ruskin University
Dan is an exercise physiologist with a passion and interest in the factors which limit human athletic performance.
Dan has experience of supporting athletes in a vast array of sports including track and field, cycling, football and rugby. He's represented Great Britain in three sports, is a Paralympian and a World Record holder. Dan has published numerous peer-reviewed research papers.
Research interests
The factors which limit maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max)
Menstrual function of cardio-respiratory responses
Factors which limit the development of the finite anaerobic capacity
Areas of research supervision:
Research area: Limitations to maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max)
Research questions:
Is the manifestation of a plateau at VO2max dependent on the protocol used?
Are the secondary markers for identifying a maximal effort during an incremental test to exhaustion functions of ramp rate?
Is the plateau at VO2max a trainable parameter?
Is the manifestation of the plateau at VO2max associated with the circadian oscillator?
Research area: The pacing paradigm and athletic performance
Research questions:
Association between pacing strategy and the curvature constant of the critical power cure (W’)
Is pacing strategy affected by the time of day?
The effects of sensory deprivation on the outcome of a time-trial
Is pacing strategy in children a function of the anaerobic capacity rather than cognitive development?
Research area: Energetics of horse-back riding
Research questions:
The effects of dietary interventions on physiological and metabolic responses to an endurance horse ride
Effects of mid race recovery interventions on the outcome of an endurance horseback ride
Effects of pre-race warm-up strategies on the outcome of an endurance horseback ride.
Research area: Oxygen uptake kinetics
Research questions:
Effects of single and double legged cycling on the VO2-kinetic response and blood lactate clearance
Effects of different cadences at the same absolute workload on the VO2-kientic response
Effects of upper and lower body exercise on repeated VO2-kinetic responses
PhD supervisions
Effects of cycle frame geometry and rider position on 4,000-metre time-trial performance
Distance-decision relationship in professional hockey: Umpire perspective
Questioning the pacing-paradigm: flow and threat in rowing
BSc (Hons) Sports Science, BSc (Hons) Sports Coaching and Physical Education, MSc Sport and Exercise Sciences
PhD, 'The oxygen uptake work-rate relationship: an exploration of the factors which limit VO2max and the implications for exercise stress testing and deriving energy expenditure responses in the field', Anglia Ruskin University, UK
MSc Sports Science, University of Essex, UK
Memberships, editorial boards
Associate research project supervisor, Department of Physiology and Neurobiology, University of Cambridge 2006–present
Member, Senate, Anglia Ruskin University
Member, Faculty Research and Ethics Panel, Anglia Ruskin University
Member, Departmental Research and Ethics Panel, Anglia Ruskin University
Human Tissue Act Co-ordinator: Sport and Exercise Sciences
Editorial boards
• Appointed editorial board member, Journal of Sport Sciences (online)
• Reviewer, European Journal of Applied Physiology (impact factor 2.66)
• Reviewer, International Journal of Sports Medicine (impact factor 2.77)
• Reviewer, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research (impact factor 1.81)
• Reviewer, British Journal of Sports Medicine (impact factor 3.66)
• Reviewer, European Journal of Sports Sciences (impact factor 1.15)
• External examiner, University of Huddersfield (BSc Hons Exercise Science)
Research grants, consultancy, knowledge exchange
Consultant physiologist, UK Athletics disABILITY Paralympic team, 2003–2008
Ward Evans Atlantic Rowing Challenge (Keltec challenger), January 2001–December 2001
Sports Science Support, Talented Athletes Sports Scholarship Scheme, 2005–present
Consultant Sports Scientist, Gifted and Talented Programme, 2007–present
Consultant Sports Scientist, Cambridge Regional Swimming Squad, 2007–present
Consultant Sports Scientist, Channel swim (England to France), 2006
Consultant Sports Scientist, sports science support English Cricket Board Centre of Cricketing Excellence, 2000–present
Badwater Ultra Marathon, Death Valley Nevada, working with elite US athletes collecting data throughout the race
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