Senior Lecturer, University of Portsmouth
After 8 years as a barrister I was called up and served as a Reserve military intelligence officer in the Balkans and Iraq. In civilian life I worked for seven years with the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe as a Human Rights officer and eventually as the Organisation's lead on torture prevention.
After stints as UK government advisor in Helmand and Libya I completed my PhD at Kings College London and began work lecturing as part of Portsmouth University's team at RAF Cranwell, delivering the academic component of training to RAF Officers and NCOs.
I am the author of several books on contemporary conflict, including 'Losing Small Wars' (Yale 2011/18), Investment in Blood Yale 2013) , Rebel Law (2018) and Aerial Warfare, a Very Short introduction (OUP 2020)
Oct 25, 2024 12:21 pm UTC| Insights & Views
A friend of mine, usually an intensely optimistic pro-Ukraine analyst, returned from Ukraine last week and told me: Its like the German Army in January 1945. The Ukrainians are being driven back on all fronts including in...
Ukraine is losing this war at the moment. The west needs to massively step up its military aid
Jul 07, 2022 03:32 am UTC| Insights & Views Politics
For a few weeks Ive been in Kyiv, partly as a visiting fellow at leading Ukrainian thinktank the Transatlantic Dialogue Center. Kyiv is an astonishingly elegant and beautiful city; a premier league European capital. The...