Dr Al-Said Ahmad is a lecturer in Computer Science at the School of Computer Science and Mathematics at Keele University, UK. Amro is a Member of the ACM and the IEEE, a member of the IEEE Computer Society, and the IEEE Technical Community on Cloud Computing and Services Computing. He completed his Ph.D. in Cloud Computing at the School of Computer Science and Mathematics of Keele University, UK. His thesis title: Scalability performance measurement and testing of cloud-based software services. He studied BSc in Software Engineering at Philadelphia University in 2009 and an MSc in Computer Science at Amman Arab University in 2014.
Amro started his academic career in 2014 as a teaching fellow in Computer Science at Philadelphia University, Jordan. Later from 2016-2019, he was a Session Teacher and Demonstrator at Keele University. He joined the Department of Web Engineering at Philadelphia University in Jordan as a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) from 9/2019 until 9/2022.
Dr Al-Said Ahmad welcomes email enquiries regarding PhD research relating to cloud computing and Software Engineering.
How we’re using ‘chaos engineering’ to make cloud computing less vulnerable to cyber attacks
Aug 26, 2024 23:58 pm UTC| Technology
Cloud computing has emerged as a crucial element in todays technology, serving as the backbone for global connectivity. It empowers businesses, governments, and individuals to employ and construct cloud-based services and...