Professor of Sociology, University of Manchester
Alice Bloch is Professor of Sociology at the University of Manchester. Alice's current research explores inter-generational memory practices among the descendants of Holocaust survivors who have replicated their ancestors Auschwitz concentration camp number on their own body. Alice is writing a book from this current research.
Alice's research has focussed on forced migration and has been funded by the ESRC, the Paul Hamlyn Foundation, the British Academy/Leverhulme Trust, the Department for Work and Pensions and others. Alice's authored books include 'Living on the Margins: Undocumented migrants in a global city' (with Sonia McKay Policy Press, 2016) and 'Sans Papiers: The social and economic lives of young undocumented migrants in the UK' (with Nando Sigona and Roger Zetter Pluto Press, 2014). Alice edited 'Forced Migration: Current Issues and Debates', (with Giorgia Dona, Routledge, 2019).
Alice is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences.
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