

Jules Holroyd

Senior Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Sheffield
Jules is a senior lecturer at the University of Sheffield. Their research is in social and moral philosophy.

Much of Jules' previous research has focused on implicit gender and racial biases – automatic patterns of thought that can lead us to stereotype and discriminate. Jules has written on the ways in which we, and institutions in which we participate, perpetuate injustices, and what to do about it – their research has examined notions such a discrimination, collective vices, and integrity in criminal justice. This research spans the topics of political philosophy, moral psychology and social philosophy (in particular, feminist philosophy and philosophy of race). Their current work focuses on how praise, in response to achievements - which philosophers have typically assumed to be a benefit - might instead sometimes perpetuate oppression and injustice.

Jules has led interdisciplinary research projects (with psychologists) that have investigated how to address implicit biases (with a Leverhulme Trust Project Grant, 2014-2017), and worked with legal scholars in exploring the implications of this research for legal concepts and practice. More recently Jules received a fellowship from the Mind Association to complete a book on praise.

Jules has had the opportunity to use this research in a range of contexts, such as with members of the judiciary and the civil service in the UK; in making policy recommendations within higher education institutions regarding parental leave policies and practice; developing gender inclusion policies to guide interactions between staff and students in higher education; and reviewing policies regarding recognition and promotion.



Julia Anaf

Postdoctoral research fellow, Stretton Health Equity, Stretton Institute, University of Adelaide
My main research interests are the social, political and economic determinants of health and health equity. A particular interest is the growing recognition of the commercial determinants of health, or the systems, practices and pathways through which commercial actors drive health and equity.
I have contributed to setting a research agenda on the health impacts of transnational corporations and have conducted health impact assessments of individual corporations spanning fast food, extractives, and alcohol industries in Australia and Southern Africa. I helped to convene a Citizen's Jury to provide recommendations to government for improved regulation of the fast-food sector.
I am currently employed (part-time) on the NHMRC Investigator Grant 'Restoring the Fair Go: which policies and practices are likely to reverse growing health inequities post Covid-19?' I lead the the privatisation theme which investigates the health impacts from privatisation and outsourcing of public sector roles to the private sector, including to large global consultancy and accounting firms.
My educational qualifications are BA Hons, BSW, MPub Pol, PhD.



Julia Brown

Assistant Professor of Humanities & Social Sciences, University of California, San Francisco
I am an anthropologist and bioethicist who investigates the lived experiences of controversial medical treatments.



Julia Burt

Public Engagement Fellow with Health Data Research Network Canada.



Julia Dobrowolski

Research Assistant, Telfer School of Management, L’Université d’Ottawa/University of Ottawa
Julia is a recent graduate from the MSc Health Systems program at the Telfer School of Management currently working as a qualitative research assistant.



Julia Hirst

Professor of Sexualities & Sexual Health, Sheffield Hallam University
My background lies in education, sociology and health. My research and teaching concerns health, wellbeing and education, with specific interest in sexualities, sexual health and gender, relationships and sexualities education, young people and qualitative research methodologies. This work is informed by theories of power, sex and the body.

Current projects (research, conferences etc) focus on sex-positive relationships and sex education (RSE); perceptions of anal sex; teaching about sexuality, gender & power at arms length through historical materials; RSE for the post-secular classroom; and loneliness and young people.



Julia Kontak

PhD student, School of Health, Dalhousie University
Julia Kontak is a PhD in Health student at Dalhousie University. Julia’s current research focuses on Health Promoting Schools, youth engagement and knowledge translation. She also works as a Research Associate at UpLift, a School-Community-Partnership that aims to catalyze and support Health Promoting Schools efforts across Nova Scotia, Canada. Prior to pursuing her PhD, Julia completed her MA in Health Promotion at Dalhousie University and worked at two leading health research organizations in Nova Scotia. Most recently, Julia held the position of the Knowledge Translation Coordinator at the Maritime SPOR Support Unit for four years.



Julia Kulkova

Adjunct professor, University of Turku



Julia Kuzovkina

Professor of Horticulture, University of Connecticut
Dr. Kuzovkina teaches courses related to ornamental and environmental horticulture. Her research focuses on development of new crops and phytoremediation, a process that uses various types of plants to remove, transfer, stabilize, and/or destroy contaminants in the soil and groundwater.

Professional Positions & Education
August 2017: Professor, Department of Plant Science, University of Connecticut
August 2011: Associate Professor of Ornamental Horticulture, University of Connecticut
August 2005: Assistant Professor of Ornamental Horticulture, University of Connecticut
1999 – 2003: Ohio State University, Ph.D. in Horticulture
1988 – 1990: Moscow State University, M.S. Botany
1985 – 1988: Moscow State University, B.S. Botany



Julia Low

Senior Lecturer in Nutrition and Food (Sensory Science), RMIT University
Dr. Julia Low's research expertise lies in the field of Sensory and Consumer Science, with applications in nutrition and food technology. She completed a Bachelor of Science in Psychology at the University of Melbourne, followed by a Graduate Diploma in Psychology at Deakin University, where she explored the links between mood-related diseases and eating behavior. She then completed her PhD in Nutrition at Deakin University, focusing on sensory science, particularly sweetness perception and dietary intake. During her PhD, she was part of the team that discovered the human potential to taste a new taste quality: carbohydrates.

Following her PhD, Dr. Low undertook a postdoctoral fellowship at the Riddet Institute in New Zealand, working on various projects related to consumers' emotional responses to food choices and the use of digital technologies. Currently, she leads a team at RMIT University, focusing on understanding the utilisation of psychological models to comprehend eating behaviors and food acceptance, particularly among individuals with reduced sensory inputs due to environmental conditions or sensory impairments, such as those experienced in space conditions.

Dr. Low collaborates with researchers to investigate the impact of space conditions on nutrition and well-being outcomes. Her research interests span a wide interdisciplinary spectrum, including the development of eating environments and better ways to capture human perception and performance data using digital technologies and sensory-nutrition approaches.



Julia Milner

Professeure de leadership, EDHEC Business School
Prof. Julia Milner est professeure de leadership à l'EDHEC Business School en France et animatrice de la chaîne YouTube sur les vibes positives au travail, axée sur la diversification du leadership. Ses conférences Tedx et ses vidéos YouTube ont enregistré plus d'un demi-million de vues.

Chaîne YouTube :



Julia Morgan

Associate Professor in Public Health and Wellbeing, University of Greenwich
Julia's primary research interests are around social justice and inequality; children and young people's health and well-being; maternal and women's health; rural/remote global health and community development; neuro-diversity; and nomadic peoples. She is the co-editor of the following book: 'Social Science Perspectives on Global Public Health' published by Routledge in 2023 and is currently working on an edited book for Routledge called 'Comparative Perspectives on Health and Social Care Policy and Practice across OECD countries' which will be published in 2024.

Selected Publications

Morgan, J., (2023). Exploring women’s experiences of diagnosis of ADHD in adulthood: a qualitative study. Advances in Mental Health.

Morgan, J & Leeson, C. (2023). Stigma, Outsider Status and Mothers in Prison. Journal of Family Issues.

Morgan, J., McDonagh, C & Acton, T., (2023). Outsider Status and Racialised Habitus: the Experiences of Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller Students in Higher Education. British Journal of Sociology of Education.

Morgan, J & Sengedorj, T., (2023) Implementing early childhood education for nomadic children and families in Mongolia: the perspectives of early childhood practitioners. Children and Youth Services Review.



Julia Morris

Assistant Professor of International Studies, University of North Carolina Wilmington
I am a political anthropologist and migration studies scholar whose research focuses on migration governance regimes. I have conducted fieldwork into the impacts of asylum externalization in Nauru, Christmas Island, Jordan, and Guatemala. My book, Asylum and Extraction in the Republic of Nauru, is forthcoming with Cornell University Press.



Julia Rohr

Research Scientist, Harvard University
Julia K. Rohr is a Research Scientist at the Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies and Project Director of the HAALSA study. She holds a PhD in Epidemiology from Boston University and has research expertise in HIV, infectious disease, and women's health.



Julia Round

Associate Professor of English and Comics Studies, Bournemouth University
Julia Round is a writer and scholar who researches the intersections of Gothic, comics, and children’s literature. Her books include Gothic in Comics and Graphic Novels (McFarland, 2014), the award-winning Gothic for Girls (UP Mississippi, 2019), and the co-authored Comics and Graphic Novels (Bloomsbury, 2022). She has also co-edited books such as Real Lives, Celebrity Stories (Bloomsbury, 2014), the Companion to Literary Media (Routledge, 2023) and Multimodal Comics (Intellect, 2024), and written over fifty peer reviewed journal articles and book chapters. She is Associate Professor of English and Comics Studies at Bournemouth University, UK, one of the founding editors of Studies in Comics journal (Intellect Books) and the Encapsulations book series (University of Nebraska Press), and co-organiser of the International Graphic Novel and Comics Conference ( She shares her work at



Julia Smith1

Assistant Professor in Labour Studies, University of Manitoba
Julia Smith is an assistant professor in the Labour Studies Program at the University Manitoba. She studies the history and politics of work and labour relations and labour and feminist activism in Canada.



Julia Szabo

PhD Candidate in Sociology, Rice University
Julia Szabo is a PhD candidate in sociology at Rice University and a former middle school teacher. Her research examines how lived experiences, structural inequality, and spatial contexts influence schooling decisions.



Julia Toppin

Lecturer, Music Business, University of Westminster
Julia Toppin is Lecturer in Music Enterprise and Entrepreneurship at the University of Westminster. Julia lectures across Foundation, BA and MA music business courses. Julia writes about the history of Jungle and women in Jungle Drum and Bass. Julia has a chapter in 21st Century Black British Music edited by Monique Charles and Mary Gani. She is a contributor to the new version of Brian Belle Fortune’s All Crews – Journeys Through Jungle Drum and Bass, and has written for DJ Mag, Disco Pogo, The Quietus, and Beatportal. Julia tweets @Miss_Toppin and broadcasts on Repeater Radio about popular culture (New Nationwide Project) and Jungle Drum and Bass (Conscious Lyrics). Her memoire, Miles To Go, will be published by Repeater Books in 2025.



Julia Wester

Lecturer in Ecosystem Science and Policy, University of Miami
Julia Wester is a lecturer and Associate Director of the undergraduate program in Ecosystem Science and Policy. She completed her master’s at Oxford in conservation biology and management before working on state policy as a legislative aide in the Florida Senate. She then completed her Ph.D. at the Abess Center studying how emotions and norms shape attitudes toward water recycling and related policy development. She has collaborated on projects funded by the Save Our Seas Foundation and National Geographic Explorer to study human-wildlife interactions in south Florida and the southern Caribbean. Her current research focuses on stakeholder engagement and local policy, mostly around Miami and Biscayne Bay.



Julia Wuerz

Clinical Assistant Professor of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, University of Florida
Following graduation from the University of Florida, College of Veterinary Medicine in 2002, Dr. Wuerz practiced in a small animal, private practice in Gainesville, Florida for 4 years before returning to UF as a faculty member with Primary Care and Dentistry. She has grown her primary care knowledge to include alternative medicine techniques, while continuing to advance as a primary care and advanced dentistry provider. In addition to clinical work, Dr. Wuerz helped to establish the UF College of Veterinary Medicine Clinical Skills Laboratory and associated clinical skills curriculum. She works to build new models for students to be able to learn and practice technical skills, such as blood draws and palpation, without the use of live animals. She also contributes to student clinical exposure and community support by helping with a monthly after hours student clinic, Pets Are Wonderful Support (PAWS). During this clinic, she is able to work with veterinary students from all four years with both Western medicine and integrative medicine cases.



Julia D. Mahoney

Professor of Law, University of Virginia
Julia D. Mahoney teaches courses in property, government finance, constitutional law and nonprofit organizations. A graduate of Yale Law School, she joined the University of Virginia faculty as an associate professor in 1999 and is now John S. Battle Professor of Law. She has also taught at the University of Southern California Law School and the University of Chicago Law School, and before entering the legal academy, practiced law at the New York firm Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz. Her scholarly articles include works on land preservation, eminent domain, health care reform and property rights in human biological materials.

The courses she teaches include Property, Constitutional Law, Feminism and the Free Market, and Nonprofit Organizations.



Julia K. Baum

Professor of Biology, University of Victoria
Trained as an ecologist and marine conservation biologist, I am now a Professor of Biology and a Pew Fellow in Marine Conservation at the University of Victoria, BC, Canada.



Julia R Pozuelo

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Harvard University
I am a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Department of Global Health and Social Medicine at Harvard Medical School.

My research interests lie at the intersection of psychiatry and development economics. My work focuses on developing and implementing cost-effective and scalable interventions to treat depression in low-resource settings.



Julian Barling

Distinguished Professor and Borden Chair of Leadership, Smith School of Business, Queen's University, Ontario
I received all my university education in the Department of Psychology at WITS University in Johannesburg, South Africa.

He is the author of "Brave new workplace: Designing productive, healthy and safe organizations" (2023). You can find more information about the book here:



Julian de Medeiros

PhD Candidate in International Relations, University of Kent

Julian de Medeiros is a PhD candidate and Assistant Lecturer in Politics & IR at the University of Kent. He is Editor and Columnist at 'Independent Turkey'. His writing appears frequently in Open Democracy.

Julian writes about paranoid politicians, (fictitious) conspiracies, and Turkish/Brazilian Politics. He is currently finishing a book (I.B. Tauris 2017) explaining why politicians benefit from conspiracy. The book analyzes the Gezi Protests and argues that, contrary to popular belief, politicians are the real champions of conspiracy theory.



Julian Dobson1

Senior Research Fellow, Sheffield Hallam University
I am a researcher on place, space and public policy, working with the Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research at Sheffield Hallam University. My PhD examined sustainability transitions and institutional change, and I worked with the Department of Landscape Architecture at the University of Sheffield on green space and wellbeing. Outside academia, I have been a journalist and consultant, specialising in UK community regeneration. I am the author of How to Save Our Town Centres (Policy Press, 2015) and co-editor of Urban Crisis, Urban Hope (Anthem, 2020) and Naturally Challenged (Springer Nature, 2020).



Julián Fernández

Researcher at Instituto Clodomiro Picado, Universidad de Costa Rica
Julián obtained a Lic. in microbiology and clinical chemistry from Universidad de Costa Rica (2007), followed by an MSc in the Graduate Program in Microbiology, Parasitology, and Clinical Chemistry at UCR (2010), and a PhD from the Graduate Program in Biosciences and Biotechnology at Università di Padova (UNIPD), in Italy (2014). Currently, he is a researcher at Instituto Clodomiro Picado at UCR, where he studies the proteomic composition of snake venoms and mechanisms of action of snake toxins. Julián has participated in studies involving the proteomic composition of the venoms from multiple species of snakes, as well as in the isolation, sequencing and characterization of novel proteins from various Costa Rican snake venoms.



Julian Hoerner

Lecturer, Department of Political Science and International Studies, University of Birmingham
Julian Hoerner is Lecturer in Politics at POLSIS. His research focuses on the interaction of electoral behaviour and political institutions in shaping representation, accountability, and the quality of democracy in Europe. He also has an interest in the politics and policies of the European Union and the impact of historical legacies on contemporary politics. Before joining POLSIS, Julian was a Senior Research Analyst covering the European Union and Germany at the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office and a Fellow in European Politics and Public Policy at the LSE.



Julian Meyrick

Dr Julian Meyrick is Strategic Professor Creative Arts at Flinders University.

The son of an English father and Australian mother, Julian studied politics and economics at Exeter University. He took an MA in theatre directing in the US and was later Associate Director and Literary Adviser at Melbourne Theatre Company. He has a PhD in the history of Australian theatre and was a Research Fellow at La Trobe University.

He is a co-editor of Australasian Drama Studies, a member of the Currency House Editorial Board and Artistic Counsel for the State Theatre Company of South Australia. He is a regular media commentator on matters of Australian theatre and Australian cultural policy.



Julian Murphet

Jury Professor of English and Language and Literature, University of Adelaide
My research concentrates on the interface between literature and other media, on the history of US literature, and on the ethical dimension of cinema.



Julian Owen

Lecturer in Sport & Exercise Physiology, Bangor University
After several years of working as an applied sport scientist within various performance pathways and professional sports, I gained my PhD from Bangor University and have since led several research projects within the field of sport and exercise medicine. My main research interests lie in sport injury epidemiology and the prevention and diagnosis of sport-related brain injury, with a particular emphasis on the community rugby union setting. In addition, I contribute to research focusing on talent and long-term athlete development predominantly in rugby union.



Julian Schrader

Lecturer in Plant Ecology, Macquarie University
I am a vegetation ecologist with a special interest in plant functional ecology, biogeography, and conservation biology. I work as a Lecturer at Macquarie University. I have a broad interest in ecological research spanning from plant adaptations of single species to community assembly processes and patterns of biodiversity at a global scale.



Juliana Cohen

Professor of Nutrition and Public Health, Merrimack College
Juliana Cohen is a Professor of Nutrition and Public Health at Merrimack College and an adjunct professor in the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health. She is also the Director of the Center for Health Inclusion, Research and Practice (CHIRP). Additionally, she is a member of the The EVidEnce-based Research GRoup to EvaluatE Nutrition policy (EVERGREEN), an interdisciplinary research group at Harvard. Her research centers on the identification, evaluation, and dissemination of effective nutrition policies and initiatives to address diet-related disparities and reduce the risk of obesity among children. Previously she was an ORISE Policy and Science fellow at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the Division of Nutrition and Physical Activity. Dr. Cohen has a doctorate in nutrition from the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health, where she also received a Master’s in society, human development, and health.



Juliana Segura-Salazar

Research Fellow, The University of Queensland
Juliana is a Research Fellow at the Sustainable Minerals Institute at The University of Queensland. Her research focuses on improving the sustainability and circularity of mining operations through innovation.

Juliana is a Chemical Engineer from Universidad del Valle (Colombia); she holds a Master of Science and a PhD in Metallurgical Engineering from Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). Juliana worked as a Research Assistant at Imperial College London in the Horizon 2020 IMPaCT project (2019-2020) and currently holds an Honorary Research Associate position at this institution.



Juliana Zabatiero

Research Fellow, Curtin University
Juliana is a Research Fellow and Lecturer in the Curtin School of Allied Health, a Chief Investigator in the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for the Digital Child and a co-lead of the Australian Children of the Digital Age (ACODA) longitudinal study. Her research focuses on young children's digital technology use, physical activity and sedentary behaviours, and health outcomes. Her research has involved both qualitative and quantitative methods, and she has particular interest in longitudinal studies.

Juliana has expertise on assessment of digital technology use, physical activity, sedentary behaviour and physical health outcomes. Her research has involved assessment of digital technology use by young children and their families, exploration of people's perspectives around digital technology use, promotion of physical activity, longitudinal investigation of physical activity and sedentary behaviour using activity monitors, as well as how digital technology use practices and physical activity behaviours influence different health outcomes.



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