

John Sunday Ojo

Doctoral Researcher at the School of Area Studies, History, Politics, and Literature, University of Portsmouth
John is a doctoral researcher at the School of Area Studies, History, Politics, and Literature, University of Portsmouth in the UK. He earned a Master of Arts in Global Development from the University of Leeds in the UK. He also received another Master of Science in Urban Management and Development, focusing on Environment, Sustainability, and Climate Change from Erasmus University Rotterdam in the Netherlands. He received his Bachelor of Science in Local Government Studies from Obafemi Awolowo University in Nigeria. An interdisciplinary approach to his research is deeply rooted in international development, international security, politics, conflict, and environmental governance. A comprehensive integration of these fields explores non-state armed groups, violent extremism, terrorism, governance, political violence, inter- and intra-state conflicts, natural resource conflicts, and peacebuilding. His works have appeared in several reputable publishing outlets, including Routledge, Palgrave Macmillan, and Springer Nature.



John Tennyson Afele

Researcher, Department of Agroforestry, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST)
John obtained his PhD from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology . He seeks to understand tree-crop relationships as well as human interactions with these, as a result of climate change. Carries out both quantitative and qualitative research. His most recent work is on assessing alternative livelihood strategies undertaken by cocoa farmers in Ghana.



John Tobias Saunders

Research Officer, Lincoln University, New Zealand



John V. Williams

Professor of Pediatrics, Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, University of Pittsburgh
John V. Williams, MD, is Professor of Pediatrics, Microbiology & Molecular Genetics; Henry L. Hillman Professor of Pediatric Immunology; Chief, Division of Infectious Diseases; and Director, Institute for Infection, Inflammation, and Immunity in Children (i4Kids). Dr. Williams is an international expert on the epidemiology, immunity, and pathogenesis of respiratory viruses.

The major focus of his research is the immunity and pathogenesis of human metapneumovirus (HMPV). His team described the epidemiology of HMPV, a leading cause of lower respiratory infection, and discovered that HMPV uses integrins as receptors to enter cells through endocytosis. His group discovered that HMPV and other respiratory viruses induce lung CD8+ T cell impairment via PD-1 signaling. Dr. Williams also leads CDC-funded surveillance studies of acute respiratory and gastrointestinal infections in children based at Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh. He conducts collaborative research with clinical investigators at the University of Pittsburgh and international sites. He has participated in studies of respiratory virus epidemiology in North America, South America, the Middle East, and Africa. His group has published studies on coronaviruses, influenza virus, HMPV, parainfluenza viruses, respiratory syncytial virus, and rhinoviruses.



John-Patrick Paraskevas

Assistant Professor of Supply Chain Management, University of Tennessee
John-Patrick Paraskevas is an assistant professor of supply chain management at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville’s Haslam College of Business. Paraskevas earned his doctorate in supply chain management from the Robert H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland. His research focuses on buyer-supplier relationships, supply chain representation in the C-suite and supply chain risk management. His research has appeared in the Journal of Supply Chain Management, the International Journal of Operations and Production Management and Technovation. It also has been nominated for awards at the Academy of Management Conference, the Strategic Management Society Conference and by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

Paraskevas has worked in the defense industry in supplier network management and supplier finance. He has taught carrier management, introduction to supply chain and operations management, supply chain risk management and executive decision-making, receiving numerous commendations for teaching excellence.



John-Paul Chalykoff

Assistant Professor in Anishinaabe Studies, Algoma University
John-Paul Chalykoff is an Assistant Professor in Anishinaabe Studies at Algoma University in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. He is a member of Michipicoten First Nation, an Ojibwe community in Canada on the north-east coast of Lake Superior, where he has also served as an elected councilor. His work focuses on utilizing music and puppetry to encourage learning and retaining Anishinaabemowin, the Anishinaabe language.

Earlier in his career, John-Paul graduated from Algoma University/Shingwauk Kinoomaage Gamig, where he completed a Bachelor of Arts in Anishinaabemowin. He went on to complete a Bachelor of Education from Lakehead University in Thunder Bay, Ontario, with qualifications to teach Native Studies and History. He completed additional qualifications to teach Ojibwe and French as Second Languages. In addition to being an Ontario Certified Teacher in Good Standing through the Ontario College of Teachers, he holds a Master of Education from Lakehead University.



Johnathan Williams

Assistant Professor of History, University of Northern Iowa
Dr. Williams' research specializes in modern US environmental politics and business. He is currently working on a book manuscript examining how Target and other American retailers escaped late twentieth century environmental regulations to become a common feature of the American landscape, whether in rural Iowa, suburban California, or urban New York. Williams has published in the journal, Environmental History, Time, and the Washington Post. He is also a contributing author to Big Box USA: The Environmental Impact of America's Largest Retailers.



Johnmarshall ReeveReeve

Professor, Australian Catholic University
I am a Professor in the Institute for Positive Psychology and Education at the Australian Catholic University in Sydney, Australia.

In my research, I focus on all aspects of human motivation and emotion, but mostly on:
(1) autonomy-supportive teaching (e.g., Supporting students' motivation; Routledge, 2023).
(2) agency and agentic engagement
(3) neuroscience of intrinsic motivation

I have authored 4 books, edited 3 books, and published 86 articles in peer-reviewed journals such as the Journal of Educational Psychology and American Psychologist.

I served as Editor-in-Chief of the journal Motivation and Emotion, 2011-2017.



Johnny Andoh-Arthur

Senior Lecturer, Psychology, University of Ghana
Johnny is a senior lecturer in social and community psychology at the Department of Psychology, University of Ghana. He researches the mental and sexual health of men and young persons. He also has research and academic interests in health promotion, social cognition, culture and behaviour, community wellbeing, and qualitative research ethics (specifically in the area of accessing research participants in sensitive qualitative research). In the past few years, he has worked with colleagues in Ghana, Uganda and Norway to explore suicide, religion, meaning-making and mental health. He has a passion for translational research and implementation science, and values interdisciplinary collaborations towards seeking contextually relevant solutions to social and human problems. He has over 30 publications in peer-reviewed journal articles and has attended and presented papers at scientific conferences and workshops in Belgium, the Czech Republic, Ghana, Nicaragua, Norway, South Africa, the United State of America and Uganda.

Dr. Andoh-Arthur obtained his PhD in health science at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway, but did some of his PhD course work at the Karolinska Institutet, Sweden, and the University of Adger, Grimstad Campus, Norway. Prior to his PhD, he did a one-year course on a PhD programme (Non-Governmental Organisations and Community Development) at the University of Cape Coast, Ghana. He obtained an MPhil degree in human development (with specialisation in community psychology) also from the NTNU. Prior to that he did a one-year course work on the MPhil social psychology programme at the Psychology Department of the University of Ghana. He obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology with political science (first class honours) from the University of Ghana. He is a licensed community psychologist with the Ghana Psychological Council, and a research fellow with the Center for Suicide and Violence Research (CSVR), Ghana. He is a proud Viking and an active fellow of the Mensah-Sarbah Hall, and a fellow supervisor with the West Africa Genetic Medicine Center (WAGMC), University of Ghana. He is a member of the American Psychological Association (APA), International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP), International Association of Suicide Prevention (IASP), Critical Suicidology Network (CritSui), and Ghana Psychological Association (GPA). He attended Aggrey Memorial Zion Secondary School, Cape Coast, trained as a professional teacher at the Wesley College, Kumasi, Ghana, and served as the president of the University of Ghana Association of Psychology Students (UNIGAPS) during his undergraduate days at the University of Ghana.



Johny Daniel

Assistant Professor, School of Education, Durham University
Dr. Daniel is deeply committed to advancing research in the field of education, with a particular focus on teacher professional development, inclusive education, and the development and testing of reading programs for pupils, including those at-risk of learning difficulties such as dyslexia. With a wealth of expertise, Dr. Daniel has been part of research projects aimed at enhancing reading comprehension skills, inference making abilities, addressing factors such as anxiety management that impact student outcomes, and measuring longitudinal academic outcomes for students with special educational needs.

Dr. Daniel holds a Ph.D. in Special Education and an M.Ed. in Educational Psychology, both awarded from The University of Texas at Austin. He also has an M.Ed. in Special Education from Vanderbilt University.



Jolene Zigarovich

Associate Professor of English, University of Northern Iowa
Jolene Zigarovich teaches and researches at the crossroads of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century body politics, death studies, and queer and trans studies, with particular emphasis on the history of the novel. She regularly teaches courses on the long eighteenth century, women writers, Romanticism, and Gothic literature. In Spring 2021 she was a fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, University of Edinburgh and in 2021-22 was a fellow at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study, part of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Amsterdam. She is author of Writing Death and Absence in the Victorian Novel: Engraved Narratives, and editor of Sex and Death in Eighteenth-Century Literature as well as TransGothic in Literature and Culture. Her monograph Death and the Body in the Eighteenth-Century Novel (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2023) had the support of the National Endowment for the Humanities. Currently, she is working on two new book projects that engage law and literature, Victorian Necropolitics: Legislating the Dead Body and the Novel, 1847-1874 and Legal Bodies: Women, Economies, and the Law in the Eighteenth-Century Novel.



Jolie Crunelle

Master's Degree Student in Science, Technology, and Public Policy, Rochester Institute of Technology
I’m a third-year student pursuing a BS in Biomedical Engineering and an MS in Science, Technology, and Public Policy at the Honors College of Rochester Institute of Technology. I’m a curious learner eager to try each and every new opportunity that comes my way!

📚Interdisciplinary background and applications, ranging from R&D labs to engineering services to the manufacturing floor

⚙️ Technical engineering skills such as print reading, CAD, Microsoft Suite, and MATLAB

🔬 Laboratory skills such as aseptic technique, mammalian cell culture (CHO),

📝 Communication skills and critical thinking, proven by multiple university writing awards (Kearse Award, Mary C. Sullivan Award) and research experience

📜 Contextualized knowledge of medical device regulatory landscape and public policy



Jolie Crunelle1

Master's Degree Student in Science, Technology, and Public Policy, Rochester Institute of Technology
I’m a third-year student pursuing a BS in Biomedical Engineering and an MS in Science, Technology, and Public Policy at the Honors College of Rochester Institute of Technology. I’m a curious learner eager to try each and every new opportunity that comes my way!

📚Interdisciplinary background and applications, ranging from R&D labs to engineering services to the manufacturing floor

⚙️ Technical engineering skills such as print reading, CAD, Microsoft Suite, and MATLAB

🔬 Laboratory skills such as aseptic technique, mammalian cell culture (CHO),

📝 Communication skills and critical thinking, proven by multiple university writing awards (Kearse Award, Mary C. Sullivan Award) and research experience

📜 Contextualized knowledge of medical device regulatory landscape and public policy



Jon C. Day

PhD candidate, ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, James Cook University

Previously one of the Directors at the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority; now completing a PhD at Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies at James Cook University in Townsville.

Jon has 39 years of professional experience as a protected area planner and manager, 28 years of which were involved in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. Between 1998-2003, Jon was the Director responsible for commencing and coordinating the Representative Areas Program (RAP), the major rezoning program undertaken for the entire Great Barrier Reef. For his efforts with RAP, Jon was awarded an Australian Public Service Medal (PSM) and a Smithsonian-Queensland Fellowship.

Jon has also been heavily involved in World Heritage matters since 1999 and was one of Australia's formal appointees to the World Heritage Committee between 2007-11.

Jon is the primary author of 12 book chapters or books (including the 'Guidelines for applying the IUCN Protected Area Management Categories to Marine Protected Areas') and has more than 50 peer-reviewed publications.



Jon Coburn

Senior Lecturer in American History, University of Lincoln
I am a Senior Lecturer in American History at the University of Lincoln. My research focuses on protest and dissent in the United States, with particular focus on peace activism, the women's movement, civil rights, and public memory. I am currently researching the phenomenon of protest suicide and self-immolation in modern American history.



Jon Fox

Senior Lecturer in Sociology, University of Bristol

Jon’s main areas of research are in nationalism, ethnicity,racism, and migration. He has done research on ethnicity and nationalism in Hungary and Romania and migration within East Europe and from East Europe to the UK. In each case he is interested in the ways in which ordinary people negotiate and constitute social difference in their everyday lives.



Jon Frauley

Professor of Criminology, L’Université d’Ottawa/University of Ottawa
I have been teaching at the university level for over 20 years. I obtained my PhD in Sociology from Queen's University at Kingston where I concentrated in socio-legal studies and political sociology.. I hold an MA in Legal Studies from Carleton University, a Bachelor of Human Justice from the University of Regina's Faculty of Social Work, and a BA from Lakehead University (minoring in Law & Politics). I’ve published numerous peer-reviewed papers in academic journals and anthologies.



Jon Garland

Professor of Criminology, University of Surrey
I'm a Professor of Criminology in the Department of Sociology at the University of Surrey. My main areas of research are in the fields of hate crime, prisons, policing, rural racism, community and identity, and victimisation



Jon Garthoff

Professor of Philosophy, University of Tennessee
I work primarily in ethical theory and political philosophy. I am especially interested in how psychological capacities – including capacities possessed by many nonhuman animals, such as consciousness and thought – figure in our best understandings of ethics, politics, and law.



Jon Gluyas

Durham University

Jon Gluyas is a geologist who began work in the oil industry after completing a PhD. Twenty eight years later in 2009 he joined Durham University as Professor in Geoenergy, Carbon Capture and Storage. His research interests are in oil, gas, geothermal and making better use of non-renewable resources such as helium.



Jon Grinspan

Political History Curator, Smithsonian Institution
I study the deep history of American democracy, especially the wild partisan campaigns of the 1800s. At the same time, I collect objects from contemporary protests, conventions, elections, and riots for the Smithsonian, to try to preserve our own heated moment for generations to come. Together, it involves a bit of time-traveling, explaining the past to the present, and the present to the future.

My first book, The Virgin Vote: How Young Americans Made Democracy Social, Politics Personal, and Voting Popular in the Nineteenth Century uncovered the forgotten history of the youth vote, to show that young men and women were once the most engaged, and sought after, demographic in American politics.

My new book, The Age of Acrimony: How Americans Fought to Fix Their Democracy, 1865-1915, chronicles the way that the "normal" democracy we inherited from the 20th century was invented, around 1900, to restrain the vibrant but violent partisan political campaigns of 19th century America. To tell this story, The Age of Acrimony follows the father-daughter political dynasty of radical congressman William “Pig Iron” Kelley and his labor activist daughter Florence Kelley.



Jon Guest

Senior Teaching Fellow in Economics, Aston University
National Teaching Fellow of Advance Higher Education and a member of the Executive Group of the Economics Network.
Co-author of the leading UK textbooks ‘Economics’ and the ‘Economics for Business’.
Research on innovative teaching, learning and assessment has been widely published in academic journals
Co-editor of the recent book ‘Games, Simulations and Playful Learning in Business Education’.



Jon Jureidini

Research Leader, Critical and Ethical Mental Health research group, Robinson Research Institute, University of Adelaide
Jon Jureidini is a child psychiatrist, Women's and Children's Hospital, Adelaide where he works in Consultation-Liaison psychiatry. He is Professor in the Disciplines of Psychiatry and Paediatrics, University of Adelaide, where he leads the Robinson Research Institute's Critical and Ethical Mental Health research group (CEMH) and the Paediatric Mental Health Training Unit (PMHTU). He is chair of Australian-Palestinian Partnerships for Education and Health (APPEH).
Publications in the last 2 years have addressed prescribing for children, immigration detention, suicide, and child abuse.



Jon Patricios

Professor of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, University of the Witwatersrand
Professor Jon Patricios has been in sports medicine practice for 28 years. He is currently Director of Waterfall Sports Orthopaedic Surgery in Johannesburg and Professor in the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg where he leads the Wits Sport and Health Research Group.

Jon is founder and Director of Sports Concussion South Africa, sports concussion consultant to World Rugby, a board member of the international Concussion in Sports Group and Co-chair of the scientific committee for the International Consensus Conference on Concussion in Sport. Most recently he was on the independent concussion advisory panel for the FIFA 2022 World Cup and in 2023 joined UEFA’s Head Injury Advisory Committee.

He is an editor of the British Journal of Sports Medicine and served two terms as President of the South African Sports Medicine Association.



Jon Richardson

Visiting Fellow, Centre for European Studies, Australian National University
I am a former Australian diplomat who covered Eastern Europe from Moscow (twice, in the USSR and later Russia), Belgrade, London and Canberra. I also served as High Commissioner in Nigeria and Ghana. Prior to joining DFAT I was a postgraduate researcher and tutor in Soviet history and politics at the ANU.



Jon Roozenbeek

Postdoctoral Fellow, Psychology, University of Cambridge
I am a British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Psychology at the University of Cambridge, where I work on misinformation, vaccine hesitancy and online extremist recruitment. My PhD dissertation (2020) examined information warfare in eastern Ukraine after the Euromaidan revolution. I am currently writing two books: The Psychology of Misinformation; and Information, Influence and War in Ukraine.



Jon Stein

Jon is CEO of Kettera Strategies LLC (formerly named Typhon Access). Kettera Strategies is the operator of Hydra — a platform registered with the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission — that allows qualified investors access to easily invest in a carefully curated array of CTA, FX, and Macro strategies.

Jon has over 25 years of financial industry experience with a focus on portfolio management and managed futures, FX, and commodities’ strategies. Most recently, he was Managing Director at Parker Global Strategies in charge of the construction and development of their FX and CTA products and portfolios. Prior to that, Jon was the CIO and a founding partner of AlphaMetrix Group, leaving at the end of 2007 to join Parker Global. Before that he was the Chief Investment Officer of Efficient Capital Management, a fund-of-funds and manager-of-managers, and Chairman of the firm’s Investment Committee. Prior to his career in finance, Jon worked as a lawyer focusing on hedge fund formation and as the Senior Editor with Futures Magazine from 1987. Jon is the author of Trading Currency Cross Rates, published by John Wiley & Sons in 1993.



Jon Stone1

Senior Lecturer in Creative Writing, Anglia Ruskin University
Jon is a poet, researcher and editor with a specialism in hybrid and ludic literary forms, interactive fiction and collaborative writing. He has previously won a Society of Authors Eric Gregory Award, the Poetry London prize (twice, in 2014 and 2016) and the Live Canon International Poetry Prize, as well as being shortlisted for the New Media Writing Prize.

He is the author of Dual Wield: The Interplay of Poetry and Video Games (DeGruyter, 2022) and a founding member of the Cambridge Writing Centre at Anglia Ruskin University. As a co-director and editor at Sidekick Books, he has commissioned and edited content for a number of experimental multi-author anthologies, including Roll Again: A Book of Games to Play (Sidekick Books, 2022) and Bad Kid Catullus (Sidekick Books, 2018), which was one of The Guardian’s Top 10 poetry anthologies of 2018.

His debut poetry collection, School of Forgery (Salt, 2012), was a Poetry Book Society Recommendation, and his most recent poetry pamphlets are Unravelanche (Broken Sleep, 2021) and Sandsnarl (The Emma Press, 2021). He has also published an essay pamphlet, Poems Are Toys (And Toys are Good For You) (Calque Press, 2023).

Jon has previously written articles for The Guardian and the UK gaming press, and worked as a freelance writer for toy companies.



Jon Winder

Researcher in History, University of Leeds
I am a researcher working in the School of Politics and International Studies at the University of Leeds. Part historian, part geographer and part heritage practitioner, my research interests span children's play spaces, public parks and the urban environment more generally. I am an Associate Fellow of the Royal Historical Society and Royal Geographical Society.



Jon Andoni Duñabeitia

Director del Centro de Investigación Nebrija en Cognición (CINC) y Director de la International Chair in Cognitive Health (ICCH) en la Universidad Nebrija, Universidad Nebrija
Jon Andoni Duñabeitia (Bilbao, 1981) es doctor en Psicología por la Universidad de La Laguna y experto en ciencia cognitiva y psicolingüística. Es catedrático e investigador principal en la Facultad de Lenguas y Educación de la Universidad Nebrija, donde dirige el Centro de Investigación Nebrija en Cognición (CINC) y la International Chair in Cognitive Health (ICCH).
Después de finalizar sus estudios como maestro (Universidad del País Vasco) y psicopedagogo (Universidad de Deusto), comenzó una carrera investigadora explorando la relación entre cerebro y lenguaje, usando técnicas conductuales y de neuroimagen, atendiendo principalmente al al multilingüismo y a los procesos de alfabetización en personas de diferentes edades.
Sus contribuciones científicas superan los 160 artículos de impacto internacional ( y ha dirigido varios proyectos nacionales y autonómicos sobre cognición, emoción, lenguaje, lectura y aprendizaje de lenguas.



Jon Harald Sande Lie

Research Professor, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs
Jon Harald Sande Lie holds a PhD in social anthropology from the University of Bergen (2011) and is research professor in the Research Group on Global Order and Diplomacy (GOaD).

His research scope pertains to international aid, global governance and state formation, focusing on development and humanitarian aid in eastern Africa, particularly Ethiopia and Uganda, where he has conducted long-term fieldwork in studying the partnership relation at the level of NGOs and those involving the World Bank.

He is co-editor for the journal Forum for Development Studies. He is project manager for the FRIPRO project Developmentality and the anthropology of partnership, and he is project manager and principal investigator of Public–Private Development Interfaces in Ethiopia - Research project | NUPI



Jon Marc Smith

Senior Lecturer of English, Texas State University
Jon Marc Smith is Senior Lecturer of English at Texas State University.

With Katie Kapurch, he co-authored BLACKBIRD: HOW BLACK MUSICIANS SANG THE BEATLES INTO BEING -- AND SANG BACK TO THEM EVER AFTER. The book is supported by a major award from the National Endowment for the Humanities and was published by Penn State University Press in 2023.

Former publications include scholarship on race and gender in popular music, literature, and film, and a novel, MAKE THEM CRY, co-authored with Smith Henderson.



Jonah Choiniere

Professor of Dinosaur Paleontology, University of the Witwatersrand
I am the Professor of Comparative Palaeobiology at the University of the Witwatersrand, and my area of expertise is dinosaurian evolution. I've worked in China, Mongolia, South Africa and the USA collecting new dinosaur fossils. My current fieldwork is in the South African Karoo basin, where my students, collaborators, and I have been working on figuring out the age and distribution of the dinosaurs that used to live there.



Jonas Aryee

Lecturer in Management and Maritime Business, University of Plymouth
Jonas Aryee's professional background includes shipping, maritime education & training, and policy-making in the west African, South African, and UK transport sectors. He obtained his MSc in transport & maritime economics and PhD from the University of Antwerp, Belgium and the Aarhus University, Denmark, in 2011 and 2023.

His research is focused on the socio-technical systems within the maritime industry. He has collaborated with colleagues from the University of Aarhus and the University of Ghana to win two grants from the Danish Foreign Ministry in 2019 and 2021. The grants facilitated research on port efficiency and public-private capacity (PEPP I) in the port of Tema in Ghana. The research further emphasised the port service economy, digitalisation, and capacity building. He is currently on the verge of concluding research from the second grant (PEPP II)- from the Danish Foreign Ministry. This research focused on the development of sustainability, gender, and the port cluster. Throughout both projects, he has actively engaged with practitioners and policymakers and contributed to discussions on relevant issues in the African port sector. He has disseminated his research in Denmark, Ghana and the Netherlands through conferences, workshops and interviews.

As a host of the African Transportation Convos podcast, he advocates for equitable transportation practices to help alleviate poverty. He engages in discussions with policymakers, technopreneurs, logisticians, industry professionals and other stakeholders to gain insight and share knowledge with those responsible for implementing meaningful change. He is passionate about brainstorming sessions, reading and watching biographies, writing, and mentoring.



Jonas Eschenfelder

PhD Candidate, Simon Fraser University
I am currently a PhD candidate at Simon Fraser University. My current research focusses on how periglacial landscapes will adapt to climate change, combining lab experiments and field studies to try and understand the interactions between patterned ground and the hydrologic system.
Before coming to Canada, I studied Geophysics at Imperial College London, where I worked on how heavy metals are transported through river networks in order to guide mitigation efforts.



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